Craig Paul Roberts recent Greg Hunter Watch dog appearence

 Ed West

 Craig Paul Roberts has once again called out this false notion of a recovery. he appeared on the Greg Hunter show and made several laughs and gestures towards America and its claim of an economic recovery. he talked about how we are not going to do anything about Russia and get into a war on their borders despite the dumb neo-Cons tough talk on the cable networks.
He laughed a bit and said how can there be a job when you give all your jobs to Indians and Chinese and leave nothing for the people in this country except for retail store clerks. Craig or Paul then reminded that many of these stores are disappearing and that the fed just keeps printing more money to float these American institutions that just keep investing in foreign countries instead of America. This made Mr Roberts giggle a little more and he talked about the day the dollar will collapse and the Chinese will demand their gold back. The whole notion and idea of us being able to do anything about Russian aggression is a joke to Mr Roberts. He said basically big agriculture industry wanted to make a land grab in Ukraine and got involved supporting these actual neo Nazi protestors hoping to cause regime change so American companies can bring cheap high fructose corn syrup to Europe and faten the French up to American standards. This economy has no jobs for people over the age of forty and fifty and the college graduates are so mired in debt they have to move home back with mom and dad and in some cases Grand ma. Old peoples savings keep being deleted and they make nothing on the savings they can barely keep in the bank. This was another great Craig Paul Roberts interview on the web and the guy just says it has it is about this weak power America has yet to realize they are.Now that will be something to laugh at when these hicks can't afford to gas up their huge trucks.

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