James Howard Kuntsler returns to broadcasting and takes on Wall Street

Tony Miselli

James Howard Kuntsler's returned to his podcast after writing another lame fiction book. He says the work to produce a weekly podcast is too much work and he will only have one or two a month. He had another brilliant show with a guest named    On talking about peek Wall Street and ow much longer before those in power in government will continue to allow Wall Street to get away with their financial shenanigans. Both men say the work and waste on Wall Street threatens the dollar and the very existence of this nation and it s only a matter of time the deep state says enough of the scamming goofing going on the island of Manhattan.
Working middle class Americans are growing a more intense hatred of the financial bigwigs in this East coast city and the power of the foreign banks . Kuntsler's needs to get on the ball and produce more of these type of podcast and books instead of fiction writing that depicts the results of the coming American collapse. The best solution is to have the government take over all private financial systems and to regulate and jail the duck out of these bastards that keep causing crashes and then as Kunstler points out ahold the nation hostage to get a bail out. Peak Wall Street and their eventual collapse and take over is a topic that needs to be very seriously considered and undertaken in this nation and you will never hear any discussion of this on corporate media that keeps getting funded ..ta da through bail outs to the foreign banks that fund their fucking propaganda.

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