Joan Walsh's most pressing concern

Alex Mouslolpolous

  Joan Walsh is a writer and political commentator hated by the right. She works for  which is a great  zine on the web and a huge source of time and information.  I decided to check out her book "what's the Matter With White People" where she basically wonders why so much of White America is fucked up politically speaking. She often talks about her working class Irish roots and how her father influenced her as a liberal thinker and guided her politically. The book is mostly a family autobiography at times about her own family and political shifts depending on the times. She wonders in the book why so much of the White working class aligns themselves with the ultra wealthy and helped elect leaders like Ronald Reagan whose careers worked against their economic interests.
She covers this country in depth from the sixties on and seems like many liberals to be too fixated with the interests of black people. This attitude may help explain some of the reasons the white lower classes so identified and preferred rich Republicans over lower class black trash thugs. They were more likely to be neighbors of black lower classes and had to come in direct contact with the extreme anti-White attitudes of black revengists. Aside from race though I agree with much of what she says and the tragedy of having blacks in our country aside from the violence is the political separation their presence causes the American political spectrum. We easily cold have a great Scandinavian socialist-type run government if demographics were of similar distinction. Race liberals like Ms Walsh concentrate on the poverty of one minority instead of the entire country and as long as the jails are filled with violent criminals of that minority working class people will be drawn by the Republican voice even if it works against their self interests. After all if Barack Obama sounded like Jesse Jackson and talked like the average Black man he wouldn't get twenty percent of the vote.for all this talk about White people wishing for the past maybe she should realize that aside from segregation this country was a stronger better place back then and the real problem many have of this country has to do with greed and modern materilism more than a eloquent mulatto becoming president. To the racialist like Joan Walsh every white criticism is about rAce and e black man. She  talks a lot about whites Without college degrees and seems to not realize that any have not been racially desensitized by a college educated life that emphasizes diversity. What college life also empahsizesis making money and this is the true divide of America more than race. Not surprising the ones in position are more likely to be college educated and in blue states but will you never hear the racial left talk about is. Perhaps being progressive and so into multicultural is a by product of wanting to be wealthy in is country and this is what urban progressives may not understand about their White rural European-American cousins in the South. 
  One only needs to look at the rest of the world to see division and ethnic conflict and solidarity of ones group as the actual norm that the college educated clans in the West just can't seem to accept as norm. For all this talk about the browning of America and whites becoming a minority it is just as likely we could see a break up of this country into seven parts where whites will continue to dominate and rule six. After all the trends were once that African American were suppose to be from one in four Americans to one in three if one read trends in the sixties. The fact is the corporate rule world that wants diversity will end and winner take all ethnic cleansing battles are likely coming to see shores as from others.  People who think America is immune to type of ethnic battles we see in Syria,Bosnia,Algeria, etceteria only need to look at the history of this country and the West. There is too much wealth and too few resources to just give it away and make an India out of the United States. Multi -culturalist like Joan Walsh will get people pissed off and install a dictator with their stupid rhetoric.

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