Mexican scumbag drug lord captured

Gino Frobel

  Joaquin Guzman is behind bars as America's intelligence network finally does its job and does something positive. El chapo had songs sung by him from ignorant Mexicans who thought f this guy as some sort or hero and without a doubt only a country lie Mexico can drug cartels thrive in their export of narcotics causing misery and a decline in life for people in other countries. Scumbags lie El Chapo Guzman would not be so successful and able to thrive having countrymen and other corrupt individuals turn a blind eye to trafficking and distribution of extreme drugs. Information from a old wiretap provided authorities to the beach front castle of this fuckhead was hiding. As head of the Sinolala cartel Guzman s personally responsible for the death of hundreds in order for his organization to grow and he is wanted in several international jurisdictions. Mexican cartels like his have elaborate escape tunnels and hatches on their property as they now their blood money and brutal murderous styles make them a modern day outlaw organization high on the radar of authorities. hats why proceeds from their illegal sales often go to buy politicians and police which is not to different from legitimate corporations. El Chapo's organization will likely continue with a new lead but it has sustained damage for now. They sold drugs to some 54 countries and unless government deals with the root caused that causes such a demand for drugs that can cause so much self damage there will always be dirty wetbacks eager to continue their sales. The sinola cartel was responsible for much destruction and killings in Michochan that armed vigilantes started patrolling their towns only to see the government come in and disarm the vigilantes that stood up to these gangs. The amount of external damage men like Guzman have done fir their own country aside from exporting also is more reason for this guy should just be executed skipping a trial as he showed little regard for trials to rival drug lords or informants. Extradition of this loco ass o is needed to America as he has had the ability to escape before from Mexican fine prison system as he did in 2001 serving a previous twenty year  sentence. El Chapo was admired by many Mexicans for his adventures in crime and now they will have to look for a new drug hero to emulate and dream about. Mexico is a shitty country.

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