The stupidity of Paul Ryan

Tony Miselli

    Paul Ryan the tall dweeb congressmen from Wisconsin received much heat over the weekend when he said there are generations of inner-city men who have no idea what a work culture is to have. while his comment received the usual racist charges from liberals throughout the country a few things were missed explaining the fact that blacks have such a little participation in the formal workforce. You have a vicious cycle of rich people avoiding taxes to be philanthropists to major universities that require good schools to enrich the brain and qualify. Only the real wealthy can afford these expensive schools or get themselves thtutoring to pass the tests and so forth. many have parents who use their wealth and power just to getr their unqualified child entered in the school. The tax avoidance's weakens public schools these black men are forced to go to while in childhood that fails to prepare them without the needed resources so available in wealthy school districts. Paul Ryan said nothing of this. Paul Ryan said nothing of the laziness actually not being the reason so many inner-city (black in his mind) people are not working but the fact that jagoffs in congress like himself and the selfish bastards in the chambers of commerce across America have helped ship manufacturing jobs overseas to lift Asians out of poverty. It is remarkable that this man and his stupid comments was just a few million votes away from the vice-presidency office. rich people will never want to give any money to the government to help lift the lifestyle and possibilities of American workers, but they would rather donate this saved money to established elite universities in America whose enrollments are filled with mostly elite foreigners from families who looted their native country whether it be in Europe, Asia, or Africa. Paul Ryan should get impeached for his comments and fellow congressmen who helped shape this economy and the inability of people in inner cities who most want legitimate jobs in and around their community that gives them dignity and respect. This is something Lilly White jerks like Paul Ryan just cannot understand unless they experience the same situation.

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