Hardees is the living example of Burger World

Arturo Armando

    Hardees is popping up all over Chicagoland and this fast food franchise has been discussed already on this blog. This franchise is the epitome of what is wrong with fast food and the menu offerings and proud massive calorie combo meals should make the CEO of Hardees blush when he leaves his limo.
One must ask who is this CEO of Carl Jrs and Hardees who many in the fast food journalist fields feel is the closest thing America has to a real life Burger World. Burger World for those of you who don't know is the fictional workplace of one Beavis and Butthead MTV cartoons who showed the sloppiness and dirty behind the scenes of most of your fast food teenager places. I once worked at a Taco Johns with a all white teenage crew in Bloomington and they were just the average types of a Beavis and Butthead.
   So back to hardees CEO.
 His name is Andy Puzder but his friends call him pudzt for short. he looks like he could of worked not too long ago in Hardees behind the counter. he looks like the average customer you would find at a Burger World type eatery around rural and suburban America. This is a guy who has no shame to be associated with the awful food that Hardees puts out helping fatten up a more unhealthy America even more. As you can see his hairline has dropped dramatically since he has been CEO and has likely eaten a lot of free meals at Carl Juniors/Hardees.   Say what we want about this guy he is creating growth thanks likely to generous tax breaks from local governments who want to dumb down even more their working class population while they corrupt the process from a lower level. The growth of this really dreadful fast food company has been surprising from someone like me who follows the industry and is embarrassed when foreigners ask why there are so many of the same restaurants dotting the land. I tell them places like carl Jrs,Hardees,Burger King, and Burger World are really not restaurants just a cortopcracy business land grab at key intersections people must pass in their cruddy towns ridding their cruddy cars at the same places. we have people like Andy Puzder and unnamed local officials to thank for this.

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