Terry Blue remembers Michael Ruppert's taxi scene in prophets of doom.

Terry Blue
  What's up gang. taxi hater here. The news the other day of Michael Ruppert's death really struck me. Michael was a great speaker against the notice and lies of the U S government. The man help spread the word of the pending disaster and doom the planet faces through the industrial advocates of profit over the planet. Ruppert fought news from around the globe how climate change was affecting the planet,people,habitats at all corners and basics ally how industrialization was running the planet and threatening all of life's existence for an living organism bigger than a cockroach. The thing I first recall of ever seeing Ruppert was that classic History channel profits of doom.
  Michael was in a taxi cab for most of the opening sequences. It looked like he was in New York and filmed a lot of is dialogue through this great program from the backseat of a taxi. It looked like he had the normal Middle Eastern taxi driver who was eyeballing the things Ruppert was saying about the planet to the cameras. Michael said that when the oil runs it the machines will to be operational. When the machines run out the amount of food produced will run out. When the food runs out the people will run out and start starving. This really hit home as much of the food produced in the world lay would not be ale to be as mass produced efficiently without these massive machines and the large quantities of oil needed to run them.the can driver seemed oblivious to the pending doom Ruppert was proclaiming as are most stupid people. Michael Ruppert stole the program despite other awesome guests on the doomsday panel n lung the great James Howard Kuntsler, John Carlin, and the cloistered Nathan Hagens. Michael Ruppert and his taxi scene will always be remembered by his followers and fans.

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