Tommy Lynn Selles must die

Jamie Logan
    Once again anti-death penalty advocates are trying to keep alive some of the most depraved serial killers in this nation. Tommy Lynn Sells and another killer n Texas are due to be executed in the coming week after decades of brutal murder. The rapist child killer Sells would often follow women with young daughters home from carnivals and ape both before stabbing them. The death penalty is meant for sick wizards like Sells and the fact that society has to wait so long for men like Sells to be destroyed is a national joke. Why some people are trying to get the name of the pharmacist out there who will supply the drugs to put down these demons and this may be the next execution delay. Why people need to know the name of the pharmacist that will give a delayed easy death to someone who never showed his victims this same mercy is really amazing but the fact is there are sick fucks out there who are big fans of these killers. They would love to get their killers avenged or harass the folks that help bring this justice and death penalty possible so men like Tommy Lynn Sells can take a dirt nap and be assured of not killing anyone else. From my numerous studies of prison society is is not all that uncommon of prisoners killing guards and thus are always capable again of killing again while locked up. The costs in putting these people away in prison is killing our budgets and the quicker that killers like is Southern hick are killed the less effect on our states budget to warehouse these animals.

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