Donald Sterling has been banned my the NBA and apparently it is worse to be a racist than a rapist. Kobe Bryant can rape a young woman and still continue to play in this rotten league but in actuality this is a good thing. Donald Sterling was a man who should of never even been allowed in the league and was tolerated because he had plenty of money for a franchise that moody wanted. This guy will hardly be punished even if forced to sell the team as his twelve million investment has gone op to half a billion. Who is in charge of valuing these sports franchises is another aspect of this we should look long and hard at as I really doubt a franchise in the NBA is worth that much. rich people have a way of using media,advertising, and money management of making things appear much more valuable than they are and definitely this boring game with average ratings during the season would seem a clear example. These owners have made millions in other arenas and can use their business influence to bring in more dollars into NBA arenas.
This man has much company of thought in the upper echelons of the one percent old rich white men. Donald Sterling is an ugly old rich white man with bad taste in women and open stupidity and we can all hope is is the final time we have to see his ugly mug as much in the news as we have in the past week. He has had trouble and lawsuits in the past on racial issues and action should of been taken on giving this man a cowboy boot and a retirement McMansion a sprawl remote Texas suburb. Donald Sterling is a scumbag sports franchise multi - millionaire and there are dozens of more like him out there. next they need to go after these black rapists like Kobe Bryant and ban them from playing in the NBA instead of a pick up game in the Colorado state penitentiary where he belongs.
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