Michael Savage is a right wing extremist and a Republican radical. So it should to be surprisingly that in the height of the George W Bush regime he wrote a book called "liberalism is a mental Disorder". The writings of a lunatic Savage blurts out in several maniacal ravings such as young workers at deli departments no longer know your name. This is a man that does not like change of traditional things. He spends much time talking about Iraq and Islam in this book given the time period and somehow he thinks these people can never have democracy because they kill each other like Europeans did in two world wars. He goes into a lot about Islamic migration into Nordic countries and this really seems to upset the likes of Michael Savage.
Sticking to migrations in his next chapter after a couple talking about Muslims , Savage then goes after the Mexicans. Basically guys like Michael Savage want this country to look like the forties when his father was walking the country. Of course, Savage leaves his best against liberals and their push for a homosexual lifestyle to ruin the American family. In this book Savage gleefully predicts Americans will never accept homosexual marriages and this is an issue liberals are doomed to lose the whole country. This is 2014 and obviously it is men like Michael Savages views on gays that is now frowned upon and obviously it is to easy for this jagoff to show his head in public now.
He really goes after Yassir Arafat and the Palastians in this book as somehow killing the enemy in a declared war with their terrorist attacks over the years against the apartheid racist state of Israel is different than the allies bombing the shit out of German and Japanese cities during the Second World War. Somehow Arafat is a leader of a psychotic organization but Winston Churchill is a hero and only an bias idiot like Savage wouldn't see the relevance of a nation who had their land stolen in able to fight back in any way possible. Of course when your funded by Neo-Cons and the wealthy Jews in America you will speak for them and sound like a bit of a nut.
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