Over three hundred Turkish miners were killed in another mining accident we see from around the world. Mining is one of the most hazardous jobs and these suckers who do this job and make some executives and owners very wealthy while they toil in these dark,damp mines as their slaves is pathetic. These workers care very little about sacrificing themselves for some copper and tin and they barely get a fraction of a percentage of wages these mineral wealth brings to others in suits. Miners are the sucking class for the international capitalists and I have a hard time for finding any sympathy mining accident history in Britain and America. More would be done if prime ministers and other leaders were in these tunnels undoubted and the need and demand neo liberalism markets demanding these resource extraction for the profit of a few while endangering the environment for the masses is at the root trouble with capitalism. for these miners whether they have accidents in Chile of Turkey.
Prime minister Recep Yayyip Erdogan's reaction to this mining accident is to say they are unavoidable and list the tragic miners had any brains under those batter operated helmets they wear while they dig in the earth and help contaminate the environment they would get paid like sports athletes and rock stars accumulating all this wealth and spreading it out in the globalized world. Miners are suckers who need to demand a greater share of the profits a d wealth these mineral companies have been shafting the world and its workers as it is their dangerous labor that brings these gold nuggets and heavy metals onto the international market. Some eighteen executives and other personal in Turkey have been arrested for neglect of duty but they cannot share all of the blame. If workers continue to work in these poor conditions they have no one to blame but themselves for not fighting back at the system that relegates them digging and working hard underground while the wealthy live high and easy up in modern urban skyscrapers.
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