One of my most hated podcasts that I listen to much is these two punks in the Milwaukee area named Kristan Harris and Mike Paczensy who host a program called the rundown. Their twitter following is like seventy people and I imagine even fewer listen to their program on the web. These two young guys thi k they know everything and that everything is a government conspiracy. Recently they discussed the strike at McDonald's headquarters which was covered here at the Left Shark and as usual these two numbskulls had dumb things to say.
These libertarian jagoffs wondered who funded these protesters and the buses used to haul them to McDonald's ugly suburban sprawl complex in elitist Oak Brook, Illinois. I imagine it was the complete opposite of the political spectrum of the liberty assholes who fund young nimrods like Harris and Paczensy to pretend they actually have an important and veritable voice on issues pertaining to government and the economy. These two pricks should be working at a McDonald's instead of criticizing the workers on the web for jeopardizing their own peon jobs in a free market that they love. Kristan Harris kept talking shit about how these protesters need to be protesting the income tax and how lowering it will give them more money to spend instead of pestering the place where they a tally sweat and labor for peanuts. Kristan Harris is a fucking idiot. He thinks these people would channel their energies into being an entrepreneur like he did with some snap dragon record label that failed in a year. This clown Harris admitted the tremendous breaks for starting your own company no matter how dumb and little chance it has of succeeding. That would be great if everybody actually had access to capital and were able to start their dream. The fact is most of these entrepreneurs fail miserably and Harris should know this with his stupid record label and not everyone who works at McDonald's in society can mange attempting to be a false entrepreneur . What it is is that guys like Harris know the power of workers when they unite and push for gains and that is the only way gains for workers will ever be met and allowed. Kristan Harris and other false and failed entrepreneurs know how to use the system to back up their failures but don't want workers to use the system to strengthening their position and bargaining chips into making themselves more valuable workers. A entrepreneur supremacist this young man is along with many others in America who sneer at minimum wage protests. As far as lowering the income tax break, these rundown lives main goals for that is weakening the government and not empowering the people nor the nation. 
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