The Eurasian Nikon has been a dream of pro Russian globalists for a long time. Dimitri Orlov is apolitical scientists that has wished for Americas collapse and Russian rise for many years in his writings and his fantasy is to see a Eurasian Union that would consist of all the former Soviet territories and aim to include much more. Orlov wants to see an economic union to include Finland,Bulgaria,Hungary, Czech Republic,Mongolia,Vietnam,Bulgaria, and all the way out into Venezuela and Cuba.
These brazen comments by this so called political scientist and respected thinker is gutless and shows what little concept for individual independence Orlov wishes for these people. These proud nations and peoples had to live under the yoke of Russian rule for so many generations because of people like this collapse author and Russian supremacist. Basically Orlov wants the Cold War to be repeated and Russian to have influence under the gun and on top of these smaller nations that would relinquish control to the Putin king. Dimtri Orlov has always been a Russian agent in my mind doing is best to undermine the institutions of this country from the one he fled man yeas ago. As Russian agents and provocateurs try to carve up parts of the Ukraine there is no don't that Russian thinkers like Dimitri Orlov have been hoping for this Eurasian Union to resurrect an aging , alcoholic society. a society of wishful thinkers bent on power trips from acting like America at the same time decrying the actions of American energy consumption foreign policy adventures.the Soviet empire has collapsed and is not coming back union or no union with nations most of all were once forced into a past union with the expansionist Russians because of their weakness and proximity to Orlov's mother Russia. these countries that Orlov wants to become closer with Putin were nothing but colonial subjects and serfs to the Russians before and nothing wold be different than a Russian lead union. Unlike the European Union this history will make Dimitri Orlov and other nutty Russians an in efficacious dream that will never come true and just collapse their wishes of a new Russian Eastern empire.
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