Two Greg Hunter postings in one week. Greg Hunter who funds and creates USA Watchdog was once again saying a world Ar is about to break out. This time it is Iran and he quoted some Iranian leader saying they will always be in a jihad with the forces of the West and Somehow Greg thinks this is proof that war is inevitable. The last I checked Iran has been saying the same stuff since 1979 so Greg needs to take a few Valiums and relax.
What Greg really is all about is creating investor fear in the dollar and trying to peddle some gold junk. That is is whole schtick and Greg Hunter maybe is early wanting a major force to bring about the dollar collapse he has been predicting since 1999. Iraqis a divided tribal third world country that hasn't invaded another country in a thousand years and that is not a part of their culture. Mr Hunter is furious that opting is being done or said in the media about Iran's continuing enrichment and nuclear advances and maybe Mr Hunter is worried about his Jewish friends. The vast majority of Americans though would just have to accept a nuclear powered Iran and accept them as a regional power. Opting you or I nor Greg Hunter an do about it and America needs to accept the cold war is over and it in not 1949 anymore. The days of America trying to be a international power in all regions and dictating policy half a way around the world will come to an end as will its nuclear monopoly. Greg Hunter is not going to SE us ever get involved in Middle East was like we did in the past with disastrous right wing republican presidents like the Bush boys that thought it was our excellence that justified foreign wars. This is to 1989 and a strong Iran would never allow us to get so involve in their I tern all political system and change heir government. If Greg Hunter has a problem with this he needs to get in that dam delorean and go back to one of those years.
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