The time Chris Hedges destroyed Dinesh D'Souza in a public debate
Alex Mousloloplos
A happened to catch a debate that was done back in 2012 that pitted Dinesh D'Souza against Chris hedges and for about an hour hedges tore apart every aspect of the screwball D'Souzas anti-Obama arguments. Dinesh D'Souza had put out this totally disgusting anti-Barack Obama movie propaganda right before the elections that was so misleading and racist and it was base in part of the two books he had written about Barack Obama. Hedges and D’Souza touch on the War on Terror, the Arab Spring, and the 2012 election, among other topics in this widely viewed debate through the internet. Dinish should basically lose all creditability as an objective author and after this debate an shellshacking he got through the voice of Chris Hedges. Chris is a great debater and even though both authors have been fiercely critical of U.S. foreign policy and the Obama administration, hedges still pt a mounting public but ass whipping in this debate against the very vocal and irrevocable D"Souza who clearly has something against a man of African descent holding the office Obama holds in his Indian eyes. Dinesh didn't even stay for the entire debate claim some other interview to promote is Obama movie in a forum that would not have been as antagonizing for him. Both of these writers have issues and problems with Obama's policies but for very different reasons and one can hear in the tome of 'Souza that it is a corporatist tax toe he is worried the most eve tough as Hedges pointed out Obama basically gave free reign for Wall Street to continue their economic policies that pave the way for continued wealth in the hands of those already with tremendous incomes and assets. Hedges ended the debate after D'Souza left abruptly that basically in Indian colonial legacy their were many Indians that came to identify more with the English and the foreign rulers through their own disdain for the poverty that they felt mirrored their society an that they were glad to have avoided themselves working in civil service under the masers of the crown in England. This is basically the root cause of Souza's passion against Obama and maybe s somebody some day should write a book about D'Souzas endless books and movies about Obama.
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