David Pakman thinks Detroit is bad because there are no restaurants

Terry Blue
  David Pakman was in Detroit recently with other liberal podcasters for net root nations meetings of top podcasters in the country. Pakman and Sam Sedar and other allies of the ring of fire radio network got to do a tour of Detroit and see for itself what happens to An American city when neo-liberalism wages war against it and destroys a cities economy. They went to the water shut off protest in downtown and later David Pakman went on to elaborate the problem with Detroit is it doesn't have enough restaurants and cafes. Pakman knows little about life outside Argentina and the Manhattan condo life he lives in New York City and for him to think that restaurants  and cafes would suddenly transfor a city full of illiterate drug sellers is totally asinine. This is a city that is on par with Gambia and Rwanda and the reason there are not many businesses willing to locate to this sprawl city is because of the crime and rampant robberies that are part of daily life in Detroit for those who live in the city. The cutting of essential police and fire services as well with the tax base move from investors also was instrumental making this a city you will find few bars and restaurants. Detroit is a bastion of inept rule that is based on handouts and being unproductive from a lazy restless population more motivated to tax dodge and sell cigarettes illegally (along with other narcotics) than ever to return to the city's golden age when people actually helped produce something to export. An economy based on serving yuppies like David Pakman like accustomed in Manhatten based on service restaurant jobs is the last thing that would either help Detroit nor be what the city needs. It just would make guys like David Pakman feel more comfortable when defending the black urban situation in the country.

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