Downing of airline in Ukraine a legit target

Gino Frobel
  Once again a Malaysian airlines crashes or is shot down and the worlds elites travel mode is threatened. Fighting in Ukraine is going to be the excuse but down g of airlines makes practical sense in a world fighting technological driven forces to wipe out mankind. The elites love to travel as a status symbol ruthlessly hoarding g their wealth to travels in an atmosphere destroying method of movement that heats up the airs and clouds.
Zimbabwe rebels in their fight for apartheid knew a method to get their enemies to quit the war was destroying their commerce and many airlines were shot down helping pave the way for the white colonial masters to leave their country. Airlines are the symbol of a globalized new order that does need to be destroyed to check the elites and their neo colonialism over weaker nations they seek to control. Airlines are fair game in the battle against their mindsets and battles they have waged on small farmers a and workers worldwide who lose everything through the forces of global wealth extraction and hoarding of capital as leverage against other nations. The downing of another  Malaysian  Airline in Ukraine or elsewhere would be a good sign of a needed battle that needs to be waged against those who profit from co start travel abroad and corruption of the temporary host government and population they seek to exploit over and over again until ere is nothing. Those of consciousness see what the airline represents and understand these take downs of the wealthy plundering vehicles that are no different in history than a twelve century pirate ship. The modern airline with its frequent flying corsairs are the scourge of the age and deserving of  fair game treatment over the air space of the people most brutally affected by their evil dominance.

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