Dr Jamal Nassar would be loving ISIS takeover in Iraq

David Berkson
   There was noting I hated more in my undergraduate studies at Illinois State than taking Dr Nassar's Palestinian propaganda bullshit courses supposedly on Middle East history. Ninety percent of what this guy talked about in these ridiculous courses was how Palestinian were unjustifiably being massacred and cleansed from their lands as the height of their cafe bombings were rocking Jerusalem. Palestinians were so influenced by the Algerian success of driving out the French by killing innocents sipping coffee they tried to copy this in Israel. Thousands of Jewish civilians were killed in bombings by terrorists under the Palestinian cause before they created a impenetrable   wall  to separate the Arabs into easy access into Jerusalem. I often wondered how Dr Nassar would be chatting up the latest success of ISIS in Iraq and without a doubt I bet he would be gleeful of these extremists temporary land grab in Syria and Iraq it is because for the likes of propagandists like Dr Nassar a caliphate with actions from the twelve century would be preferable than Jewish rule anywhere in the Middle East.
This is a guy who jumps on one Jewish terrorist act as a thousand other ones are committed by the Islamic tide. One of the reasons the Jews never had a state in the modern Middle East was because of the oppression and exclusion of them in many if not all parts of the region from one time to another.  Guys like Nassar would be rooting for a new Islamic terrorism exporting state in Iraq that would make the Taliban blush with atrocities committed to anyone who didn't accept Muhammed as their savior. The Islamic state if Iraq has about has much chance as did the Taliban and Sudan extremists of holding to long-term power in this region but  as we have seen with the rise of Nazism in Germany any extremist power grab in a country needs to be dealt with immediately.  The cause of ISIS though will be backed up undoubtedly by far left professors such as Nassar who look through the windows of the Middle East through one objective ignoring the plethora of issues affecting this region and making it the most unstable place on Earth. Backing groups such as these Neanderthals just because you hate the existence and power of a non-Islamic state in your region is pretty absurd and only will empower Israel to take actions their restive Gaza neighbors as they radicalize and attack Israel. Israel will not stand pat while an Islamic version of Nazism take root on their borders and that Dr Nassar can book it.

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