The application maker Fingersoft has a game they claim has had a hundred a d forty million downloads. This twelve man company produces this game and sells items to make a dull game less dull and the game I am talking about is Hill Climb Racer. A real uninteresting frustrating game that I really doubt the claim of this Finnish company and the number of downloads. I also highly doubt the revenue and profits for advertising that this company or others announce to the corporate business press. The company claims its millions in profits is due to high demand from upgrades and in-app purchases for this car driving game where the only goal is prevent it from Tipping over. This is perhaps one of the worse popular application games that has ever been sold to the public. the sons of elite business people are best able to snooker investors that a company like Fingersoft actually accomplishes something for the economy.
Toni Fingerroos from Finland has been able to do this.
A game that is popular or of supreme quality would not need additional purchases and upgrades to keep people interested in and basically these application makers just want to keep their easy posh game developing jobs stable.
The actual amount of work time is minute to the play time and casual culture ethics these tech companies do and in fact this company Fingersoft actually has sauna and jacuzzi sessions on site. The productivity and efficiency of these tech companies is a joke and part of the elite ability to get so etching for nothing whether from banks,government, and the business community that subsidizes their ability to having fun at work and producing nothing of quality for the benefit of the public.
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