The cost of movies to fifty dollars was discussed by George Lucas as next practical step shortly before the release of World War Z. This Brad Pitt bomb was experimented by Paramount pictures during its release for a fifty dollar mega ticket for early admission and a host of extras to come with the package including some lame glasses. George Lucas predicts that there will an implosion and you will see many fewer movie theaters charging what you would get for a Broadway show or a sporting event.
The movie experience will become a avenue for the elites and go away from its working class roots and this suits men like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg just fine and dandy. They want tiered movie pricing so they can squeeze more profit for their nauseous movies and charge more for the few willing suckers who must see a movie the first day of its release. The mega ticket is just the latest attempt t squeeze money more from the consumers and keep this industry asking in millions for the movie insiders to enjoy and remain paid at levels of the one percent. Hopefully with the disappointment of this World War Z mega ticket schemes it will remain a bust and deflate the bubble of the movie producers and their industry. The rush and justification to attempt to make movie costs as something more than it is with big time live theater prices will be a trend that these idiots will continue to force on the American public and seeing their complacency to the cable monopolies it is a possibility.
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