Alex Mouslolpolous
The stamping out of internal violence from small feuding trial bands is the basis of the theory of warfare being good for humanity as some sort of settling out of do inaction. Of course, the dominating group of people tended to be white Europeans and Ian covers this fact with a chapter of a five hundred year warfare of Europeans directed to the non-European world. He states how superior technology enabled Europeans to bring ore stability to other regions with a strong centralized rule that world eventually be passed on to a native elite. The strong basis for Morris's theory is that only one native out of thousands were actually killed during conflicts with the worse British atrocities.
This strong academic argument is filled with not wresting facts and well drawn map illustration pinpointing the crucial spots of historical change through group conflicts. This book loses me when Morris talks towards the about the crucial need for continued U S spending to play global cop before singularity takes affect and man and machine becomes one as this author is an advocate of Ray Kurzweil's nonsense. The erection of war being good is perhaps easier to digest when your name is Morris and don't I've in extreme poverty and victimization as many of the worlds poor live today as results of being on the wrong side. Ian once looked at an old globe that showed how much of the world was one color to indicate that the British controlled vast territories at the height of their empire. Perhaps Ian would have totally different opinion of wars positive developments through time had the world not been ruled by this European empire and had been China or India that had one color indicating control of most lands.
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