Drinking is so engraved in the culture of Wisconsin they rank high in most alcohol related rankings. This is a state that is proud to binge drinks for the most mundane events and they actually think they have a higher tolerance for spirited drinks that people outside the borders of their measly state. I came to realize this weird obsession with being drunk all the times living these cheese lands where life is so dull and the answers to it consists of getting so drunk that you forget the previous day. The number of bars in this state far exceeds Illinois despite the fact that it has a fourth of the people.these people are incorrigible to ever overcoming this dependency and this may be impossible when there is one tavern for every four hundred residents in this state. Wisconsin state officials have done little in the fight agonist abundant cheap alcohol and the over-drinking by their residents as the brewing industry is a major lobbyist in this state sure to fight any tax increase on hard liquor meant to try to get people less dependency on alcoholism. Scotland and many other states have used this effective economic weapon to combat the overdrinking in their societies that threatened their cultures. As we have seen in American Indian history getting a population addicted on alcohol was a key tool to destroy the culture and pride of a tribe and the sorry state of conditions Native-Americans face today is a direct result of not fighting the scourge that is over-drinking. As a longtime bartender in both Wisconsin and Illinois I was appalled at the condition of the rural Wisconsinite in the bars I worked at up North. I have never seen the amount of retarded drunk addicted simpletons in Wisconsin bars in the Itasca Inn or several other Chicago suburban bars. The peer pressure of drinking is ingrained and more intense in this shitty state than anywhere else and is why they rank highest in drunk driving accidents and death by alcohol poisoning and Nd has to wonder if these people are actually proud of these ranking s and long-lasting traditions that puts their little known state on the map.there is something in the water and beer in Wisconsin and it has to do more than with the high percentages of German ancestry in the state. It has to do with a corporate brewing dominance in their state that loves to see their population addicted to their products making sales forecasts and growth common despite the stagnant population growths and disparity of life in the North woods. Until these morons are willing to relinquish what they think in their twisted minds what it means to be a Wisconsinite they will always be an dependent group of people on the corporate brewmasters infecting their brains and spirits with highly toxic spirits to a sad depressed u happy populace in our country.
Black Islamic atrocity in Oklahoma processing plant is a needed wake up call
Jordon Morgan
In the red state of Oklahoma another red state negro grisly killing too place as a man named killed and be hedged a woman in another example ow black sharia law is coming to America. Alton Nolan seemed happy and in good spirits and recently converted to Islam posting all sorts of bizarre things on his Facebook account and he should of immediately been on the radar of authorities. He had been fired from his job at the food processing plant in Moore, Oklahoma has he was doing more attempting to conversions than gutting and processing the meat. He went into the plant a few days ago and did his grisly attacks and even die hard liberals on the web such as Cenek Unger and David Pakman will have a hard time defending this one and blaming this crime on white male Christians. The Young Turks o. The internet media actually are reporting more on these Islamic crimes and black abductions of college girls a little more.mIf right wing Christians had done half of the brutal attacks as Islam on this soil liberals such as these two fucks would of had thirty segments on-line about these gruesome crimes but the facts are you rarely see Christians comment these sick crimes. It is always black guys and Muslims of one shade or another that are com g to this country and committing these crimes one would associate more with Iraq. This crime the established media and liberal alternative outlets wold love to sweep under the rug and indeed many are just saying this is some workplace random violence in middle America. That is hogwash and this crime is directly influenced from the maniacs you see in the Middle East and we need to more fight against this force within our borders than worry about actions outside of these borders when in comes to the worlds biggest menace in modern times which is the Islamic presence.
Barack Obama defends American exceptionalism and involvement in everything
Jamie Logan
President Barack Obama interview on sixty minutes last night is further evidence there is no real difference between the two major political parties and they will continue to push the status quo. Obama said that the rise of Islamic militants in Iraq have resulted in the chaos of civil war and that America took it lightly in the early stages. He laid out a plan for continued bombing of ISIS targets that will just have the same effect as continued bombing of the Vietcong for years and years. The really disgusting thing that Obama said in talking about boots on the ground is that only America has the capabilities to undertake projects such as this because we are the worlds leaders like it or not. The vast majority of people in this country don't like it and out continued waste and money going to protect the worlds peoples.
These battles are in Europe's back yards and they and the Arabs need to intervene and make the decisions of expenditure in ousting and routing Islamic state not the tax payers of the United States. Obama's comments were delirious and he mentioned how if there is a typhoon it is Americans that go out and give aid and support to these devastated regions. Americans need to see to it that the two party geo-political corporate system works for outsiders and other peoples and not the people or wishes of citizens in this country. The American political system is generated by outside money that makes these bombings and wars for the economic interests of wealthy foreigners and a class based society of millionaires in this country whose kids never do the fighting. Our involvement and stupidity in Iraq will continue and rival the demise of the Soviet Union and its similar arrogance in Afghanistan in 1980. This is a place and region we have absolutely no business getting involved and is a direct consequence of the driving addiction a bored peoples and population that is America. Clearly if this shit head thought that one of his two daughters had to be sent to fight ISIS he might have a different opinion over the false notion that our capabilities require involvement whenever needed. Barack Obama and future presidents need to quit playing this game and thinking the people are stupid because eventually the chaos and civil wars in Syria will come to pass here in this country as well
President Barack Obama interview on sixty minutes last night is further evidence there is no real difference between the two major political parties and they will continue to push the status quo. Obama said that the rise of Islamic militants in Iraq have resulted in the chaos of civil war and that America took it lightly in the early stages. He laid out a plan for continued bombing of ISIS targets that will just have the same effect as continued bombing of the Vietcong for years and years. The really disgusting thing that Obama said in talking about boots on the ground is that only America has the capabilities to undertake projects such as this because we are the worlds leaders like it or not. The vast majority of people in this country don't like it and out continued waste and money going to protect the worlds peoples.
These battles are in Europe's back yards and they and the Arabs need to intervene and make the decisions of expenditure in ousting and routing Islamic state not the tax payers of the United States. Obama's comments were delirious and he mentioned how if there is a typhoon it is Americans that go out and give aid and support to these devastated regions. Americans need to see to it that the two party geo-political corporate system works for outsiders and other peoples and not the people or wishes of citizens in this country. The American political system is generated by outside money that makes these bombings and wars for the economic interests of wealthy foreigners and a class based society of millionaires in this country whose kids never do the fighting. Our involvement and stupidity in Iraq will continue and rival the demise of the Soviet Union and its similar arrogance in Afghanistan in 1980. This is a place and region we have absolutely no business getting involved and is a direct consequence of the driving addiction a bored peoples and population that is America. Clearly if this shit head thought that one of his two daughters had to be sent to fight ISIS he might have a different opinion over the false notion that our capabilities require involvement whenever needed. Barack Obama and future presidents need to quit playing this game and thinking the people are stupid because eventually the chaos and civil wars in Syria will come to pass here in this country as well
Ghostbusters III movie idea another attack on males in society
Ed West
The idea of an all-female cast for Ghostbusters III is utterly absurd and further evidence of the feminization of American culture. There is no lengths to where the controllers of media will go to bring down male bastion in this country.
The further development of comedy into a female-dominated sphere in pop culture has long been a goal of the corporate media to bringing down brash bro male humor and celebration in this country. Bill Murray gave his support for this idea and it has made recent headlines as the Ghostbusters III project that has been talked about since 2009 remains in limbo. An all female cast for this movie would make it less than halve the box office of the lame Ghostbusters II movie and this is really a franchise that should be left alone or not changed from its original male origins. They can make al all fucking female Scooby Doo for all I care but the last I looked Ghostbusters was a male blue collar physical operation. The days females number the number of male workers in construction jobs or the oil-fracking rig workers in the badlands of Dakota then I can give credence to an all-female cast for something like Ghostbusters.
The web is full of lame female actresses who could play the roles of Ghostbusters and last I checked many female comedies tank and surely this movie with a women only cast should be a bomb as well. This movie will likely never be made but talk of this movie is just another example of turning the culture more into a female dominated theme in movies and is meant to harm the self-esteem of males in society.is it any wonder why so many gravitate towards gangs when everything else in society tells you that you suck and need to change. When characters that were traditionally male such as Thor and the Ghostbusters dudes it tells young men that something was wrong with the original idea and that they are no longer relevant in modern time and culture. The blurring of traditional roles in film is just an example of the war on young men as the original Ghostbusters and similar movies that the shit head Bill Murray was in were important times for males to bond with each other and actually do something out in the public with a guys night out. The current systems and the climate don't want young men hanging out with other men enjoying their gender and the laughs we need at the crucial early adult years. I know for me and my friends Ghostbusters entitles opportunities to view something together and not worry about pressures of teenage males with otherwise competitive social structures of school and in some cases work. Tis idea of an all-female cast for Ghostbusters is a cheap gimmick and just smells and is totally unrealistic unless they plan on converting the women in this movie to psychologists and counselors instead of heavy carrying backpack wearing uniform chaps.
The idea of an all-female cast for Ghostbusters III is utterly absurd and further evidence of the feminization of American culture. There is no lengths to where the controllers of media will go to bring down male bastion in this country.
The further development of comedy into a female-dominated sphere in pop culture has long been a goal of the corporate media to bringing down brash bro male humor and celebration in this country. Bill Murray gave his support for this idea and it has made recent headlines as the Ghostbusters III project that has been talked about since 2009 remains in limbo. An all female cast for this movie would make it less than halve the box office of the lame Ghostbusters II movie and this is really a franchise that should be left alone or not changed from its original male origins. They can make al all fucking female Scooby Doo for all I care but the last I looked Ghostbusters was a male blue collar physical operation. The days females number the number of male workers in construction jobs or the oil-fracking rig workers in the badlands of Dakota then I can give credence to an all-female cast for something like Ghostbusters.
Scott Walker thugs promise to bring violence to elections
Andy Cruz
Governor Scott Walker and his allies in Wisconsin are getting desperate in a tight race showing this once presidential candidate has fallen in the eyes of voters in his own state. These people are the ones that have seen how Scott Walker runs an administration and his voter ID law he signed a few years ago was clearly an attempt to solidify his rule. Now he has thugs using social media threatening an armed incursion into democratic wards in cities such as Milwaukee, Racine, and Beloit to thwart black vote and this who signed the recall petition that forced their man Scott Walker into another run off.
The Milwaukee Militia was caught spreading g their message of hate and voter intimidation efforts for the upcoming election. Through various Facebook posts that encouraged their members to go into these wards and harass voters likely not to vote for the demented candidate whose only ability is to destroy unions and hard workers lifestyles from outside money sent to his campaign by multi-millionaires. The one percent is clearly worried that one of their main candidates and politicians they use to rule through may go down in a major political defeat for the entire nation to see that they are not invincible. The restrictions to early voting and other obstacles to democracy and having more people able to vote has already been established by this criminal candidate whose rule has been plagued by corruption and scandal since the twerp took control of the Wisconsin statehouse. Scott Walker is be of many right wing governors in statehouses across the country that get elected in off years and basically are tools for wealthy folks to run policy and their agendas through the political system. This is especially true as senate seats are extremely difficult in many districts. People do to show the same net rest in governor races during off years from the main election every four years and their rules of statehouses are always ambiguous.
The Milwaukee Militia was caught spreading g their message of hate and voter intimidation efforts for the upcoming election. Through various Facebook posts that encouraged their members to go into these wards and harass voters likely not to vote for the demented candidate whose only ability is to destroy unions and hard workers lifestyles from outside money sent to his campaign by multi-millionaires. The one percent is clearly worried that one of their main candidates and politicians they use to rule through may go down in a major political defeat for the entire nation to see that they are not invincible. The restrictions to early voting and other obstacles to democracy and having more people able to vote has already been established by this criminal candidate whose rule has been plagued by corruption and scandal since the twerp took control of the Wisconsin statehouse. Scott Walker is be of many right wing governors in statehouses across the country that get elected in off years and basically are tools for wealthy folks to run policy and their agendas through the political system. This is especially true as senate seats are extremely difficult in many districts. People do to show the same net rest in governor races during off years from the main election every four years and their rules of statehouses are always ambiguous.
So Chinese eatery in San Francisco shuts doors down to questions of its food
Armando Arturo
A small shitty San Francisco restaurant closed up shop last week because the owner didn't like paying customers asking sensible questions about the food he serves that goes inTheir body. Chinese migrants into America are really to use to people questioning anything back to America and he closed his Ch see kitchen called SO because of these pick customers. T
he shit head owner/chef who has not been identified in any stories needs to realize these are the people who spend money to keep his measly crappy business surviving in the competitive restaurant industry in San Francisco. People have a right to know if the food is organic or if it is gluten free and now that they know it is they can take their business elsewhere and avoid the junk and poison that is often in these small Chinese take out shit holes. The cocky owner also had the audacity to leave a expletive note to the customers telling them he closed the place for a day because of their impertinent inquiry of the food that this low-class owner serves in his eatery. He apparently forgot that this is San Francisco and certain areas are more health conscious and conspicuous by their fickleness towards food and restaurants in general. This is a city that deserves the best and wants the best whether it is eateries or aesthetics and beauty that makes it a world class city and place in a country that is mostly made up of sprawlly shit. So restaurant is a place where you can get the worse of the worse in MGO foods and the good thing about this story getting national Internet coverage is more people will realize the shit they get in cheap Chinese kitchens selling bad chickens.
he shit head owner/chef who has not been identified in any stories needs to realize these are the people who spend money to keep his measly crappy business surviving in the competitive restaurant industry in San Francisco. People have a right to know if the food is organic or if it is gluten free and now that they know it is they can take their business elsewhere and avoid the junk and poison that is often in these small Chinese take out shit holes. The cocky owner also had the audacity to leave a expletive note to the customers telling them he closed the place for a day because of their impertinent inquiry of the food that this low-class owner serves in his eatery. He apparently forgot that this is San Francisco and certain areas are more health conscious and conspicuous by their fickleness towards food and restaurants in general. This is a city that deserves the best and wants the best whether it is eateries or aesthetics and beauty that makes it a world class city and place in a country that is mostly made up of sprawlly shit. So restaurant is a place where you can get the worse of the worse in MGO foods and the good thing about this story getting national Internet coverage is more people will realize the shit they get in cheap Chinese kitchens selling bad chickens.
Dave Korten exposes Wall Street economies
Alex Mousloloplous
Wall Street hedge fund managers,day traders,currency swappers, and other financial speculators are the buccaneer and privateers of our day. This is according g to David Korten who wrote and incredible book called "Agenda For A New Economy" and he basically calls out Wall Street for the destructive institution that it is. The creation of phantom money,wealth, and value is a game the banking speculators use to keep wealth in certain hands and the economy geared toward their wishes and desires.The corporation basically for started through foreign and enters backed by money from both the crown and the church spreading g their influence and ability of wealth extraction from other lands.
The fact that these companies have just gone global over the years after the end of colonialism proves little has changed for most countries and peoples in world after their so-called independence . The creation of perpetual debt is the only way their system can continue to function in a world with limited resources. Korten says these powerful forces work against the interests and desires that are human nature in their quest for continued growth and rape of the environment that we all share. Wall Street basically took over this country some time last century and has used its power to enriched segments of the American empire and used it to spread money and wealth to far way lands for cheap labor and low tax districts around the globe. Wall Street wants household incomes to continue to shrink and massive debt to accumulate so people rely on their institutions that prosper more when ordinary people get in a bind. This is the type of economy the financial elites want enforced on all economies and they know they never have to share in the troubles of people not connected to their game. The failures of our economic system is deliberately caused by the governments failure on not responding to its citizens wishes instead be directed by those on the top who push for the continuation of freedom to fraud the public. Korten proposes several great ideas many progressives have already called out to limit the power of the wealth extractors in America. David Korten has always been a grea voice in calling out the abuses of the rich and the banksters who have too much influence with our economy and foreign policy and a complete nationalization of banks is needed to curb their corrupt behaviors that privatized global banks are able to create throughout the world.
Warrior politics of the past
Ramon Ramos
A scholarly work I couldn't make any sense of is the book "Warrior Politics" and I a not sure what the author Robert Kaplan is trying to get across. This book evidently is made for other elite scholars like himself and. Am supposed that this turkey is listed as one of the top authors on history. Aside from look g like he is always in need of a major dump and alot of toilet paper with it, Robert Kaplan is a well-versed and well read man. He wants to show up the other academics and historians that he knows his history and ancient Philosophy.
Somehow Kaplan thinks by looking at ancient philosophers back in the day like Machiavelli that modern leaders he can get a better ne'er standing of political warfare and the challenges they face. This is an illusion and he should of realized from his first chapter knowing that leaders are different in different ti es and situations and he looks at Winston Churchill's early days would point this out . Robert Kaplan though thinks these two Churchill's are basically the same and the river colonial experiences molded is thinking forty years later when confronting Hitler.
Kaplan does get it that the millions of young warriors angry about the injustices of globalization where a small percentages of peoples gain the most economically is Provo g a new challenge to armies and Western nations to constantly gain technologically so they can keep this proto-type colonialism going and much of the world poor or working cheaply for their corporations.
They have gained from revolutions from the poor of their own countries with a media wing of government in America that plays out democratic institutions when it is the same party of elites in control more able to enjoy the fruits of others labor and prosper greater from poor around the world. In fact, much of what immigration is in America has also been an escape hatch for families of rulers in Europe and Asia where they know they are safe and looted finances protected. Kaplan spends some time speaking on Rome in this book and this is a smart thing because ultimately America will end up like it with North Aerica being as fragmented as Europe after the collapse of Rome. The United States is becoming a disunited mass of city-states and ethnic enclaves with self servi g interests cari g little of other regions within the orders and this is a sign of a broken system especially given our political discord
Chicago cabbies incomes exposed
Terry Blue
Cabbies in Chicago are often trying to get a fair hike and often claim their income has dropped in various studies they bring out. City Hall came out with their own study in late August showing that these cab drivers on average earns twenty one dollars an hour and that their largest expense is mainly the leases they take out to roll out new vehicles onto the taxi fleet. Over ninety percent of cab drivers lease their own vehicles and these are the real costs they are trying to recover as quickly as possible with these higher rates. Taxi rides are already outlandishly expensive for people for the short rides many take.
Forty percent of these bastards work eleven hours or more a day putting themselves and passengers at risk with their sleep depraved money hungry ways in the contacted streets in cites across America. These cab driver snipers have been crying poverty for so long producing their tainted studies trying to highlight how little they make when other more comprehensively government studies shows this isn't exactly true. Some alderman will fight to get these drivers an increase that will just put them at a competitive disadvantage and see folks use other alternatives to get around whether that's rid g a bike,walking, or ride share programs and companies. Ignorant Cab drivers and this industry is obviously part of the reasons so many urban people have taken to peddling in recent years. If the cabbies do t like their income they can go back to India and get some call-center jobs
Berserker or frenzy which is a better game
Otto Jansen
One of the original shooting games is the lame 1980 video game Berserker. It is basically a game that has a humanoid run around and shoot robots in a maze. A few years later another game came across that was basically the same thing except if offered a more diverse setting and allowed you to shoot a happy smilely face.
Both games were lame after five minutes and I just wish the youth of today would be stuck with shitty games like this instead of the real expensive graphically dominated games that threatens to send this business in another bubble and bankruptcy despite a more globalized world. neither of these games were a hit nor popular back in the day and you will never see them in these new arcade bars and buffet places you see open up here and there around the country. Not many people would be willing to drop fifteen dollars and play this game in a room of classics and I don't believe Brookfield's own Galloping Ghost arcade even has this in their store. Frenzy was available on the old colecovision and the neighborhood kids played this often for a few months after its release around 1983. This game would not even get a five minute download on a phone these days it is still so bad and pointless but they are often mentioned in old classic arcade talk on the internet.
One of the original shooting games is the lame 1980 video game Berserker. It is basically a game that has a humanoid run around and shoot robots in a maze. A few years later another game came across that was basically the same thing except if offered a more diverse setting and allowed you to shoot a happy smilely face.
Donald Trump's absurd lost object story
Jordon Morgan
Donald Trump comes out with many books just to get his stupid name out there and feel more important than he really in in this place we call Earth. The ability to manipulate the financial and real estate system has given this jerk some creditably and reason to feel this way. This is a man who really agrees and feels the needs of the wealthy and those who can afford to stay in one of his expensive hotels. Here is a case in point from his ridiculous textbook from Trump University.
A very wealthy patron to one of his ritzy expensive hotels had a major problem Donald Trump went on to explain. He had lost something very dear and special to him and told the manager behind the desk of Trumps hotel in Manhattan The manager called several times to the airport and spoke to several people seeking this important object for this wealthy guest. Trump went on to explain how the services provided by his employees and for the needs of their guests is what sets his places from his competitors. The manager immediately drove to the airport and searched all over the loading zones where the guest had lingered and sure enough after searching several waist cans the manager at Trump's hotel found the lost teddy bear for the real wealthy guest. The extent that Donald trumps employees as Donald states in this marketing book is what sets you apart. Trump didn't say that only the extreme wealth of this guest is what really provided this over the top actions of the worker to retrieve this important object stuffed animal bear doll is to this You have to be a billionaire and be able to afford to stay in his hotels to receive exemplary service such as this and this is something that the rich just cant seem to understand about inequality and the anger it is producing. This story and both this book is a fucking joke as most of Donald Trump's bullshit his money is able to print out and make a few sales.
Donald Trump comes out with many books just to get his stupid name out there and feel more important than he really in in this place we call Earth. The ability to manipulate the financial and real estate system has given this jerk some creditably and reason to feel this way. This is a man who really agrees and feels the needs of the wealthy and those who can afford to stay in one of his expensive hotels. Here is a case in point from his ridiculous textbook from Trump University.
US bombing another war on Islamic freedoms
Ali Muhammed
The continue war bombings has escalated in recent days as new airstrikes in Syria on ISIS targets by the industrial American military complex bent on turning the slide of Islamic armies seeking unification of Islamic lands. Fragmentation of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East has long been a Western foreign policy of disunity. The influence of American dominance and oil entitlements of valuable resources that should be used to raise the incomes of people in these regions instead of the few rulers whose corrupt rule and brutal tactics have caused a rise in terrorist/rebels against the American empire. The sudden rise of Islamic armies capturing cities and lands in both Syria and Iraq have lead to this new war of bombings as the puppet masters worry about the stability of Saudi Arabia and cheap oil for the Western gluttony lifestyle while most Muslims are forced to live as donkeys. The Obama administration is trying to avoid a ground campaign and more boots on the ground because he knows it will galvanize more Muslims to the ISIS cause in Iraq/Syria and inspire Muslims in North Africa and Asia to step up their campaigns against their royal and corrupt government leaders which serve the interests of Western leaders looking to exploit lands for corporate greed needs. Only colonialism and continued exploitation of cheap labor and workers has enabled these corporations to rake in the millions that the United States government gets a chunk to create weapons and raid armies and civil wars they do not like that has the potential on their world supply lines of trade. The American empire cannot
find a way to stay away from the internal conflicts of this region and have been in a constant stage of war in this region for oil since they ordered their puppet Saddam Hussein to invade Iran in 1980. As more and more of the worlds Islamic peoples wakes up to this fact and fight back the United States will continue to face insurgencies against their neo-colonial methods of resource extraction and profit from lands that don't belong to them and they expect to keep profiting
The continue war bombings has escalated in recent days as new airstrikes in Syria on ISIS targets by the industrial American military complex bent on turning the slide of Islamic armies seeking unification of Islamic lands. Fragmentation of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East has long been a Western foreign policy of disunity. The influence of American dominance and oil entitlements of valuable resources that should be used to raise the incomes of people in these regions instead of the few rulers whose corrupt rule and brutal tactics have caused a rise in terrorist/rebels against the American empire. The sudden rise of Islamic armies capturing cities and lands in both Syria and Iraq have lead to this new war of bombings as the puppet masters worry about the stability of Saudi Arabia and cheap oil for the Western gluttony lifestyle while most Muslims are forced to live as donkeys. The Obama administration is trying to avoid a ground campaign and more boots on the ground because he knows it will galvanize more Muslims to the ISIS cause in Iraq/Syria and inspire Muslims in North Africa and Asia to step up their campaigns against their royal and corrupt government leaders which serve the interests of Western leaders looking to exploit lands for corporate greed needs. Only colonialism and continued exploitation of cheap labor and workers has enabled these corporations to rake in the millions that the United States government gets a chunk to create weapons and raid armies and civil wars they do not like that has the potential on their world supply lines of trade. The American empire cannot
Tea Party scumbag Sam Brownback on the verge of defeat
Troy York
Sam Brownback is a Tea Party scumbag in Kansas that has lowered the taxes for the filthy rich and wrecked havoc on the economy of Kansas. He is trailing in polls and despite much funding to his campaign from upper classes around the country admiring his loyalty to their class he is still trailing challenger Paul Davis who is leading this Tea Party jokster by a few points. A Sam Brownback Governor loss would be a big message to the rich and bankers that they cannot have their politicians in power for long when John Q Public realizes and watches news about their candidate. Sam Brownback is one of the most hated candidates and incumbent politicians trying to get another term to serve the interests of the rich and put the majority of finance charges unto the middle class.
It is politicians like tghis jackass that is making it much harder for the average person while he gets to live the lifestyle of the people who put his ass in office. This is a jackass that turned down health subsidies to help lower income folks get health coverage equal to what the rich can enjoy with the profits that politicians such as Brownback enable them to achieve in life.this is a guy who wants to restrict w omens choice for reproductive issues and turn back the clock on gay and lesbian rights. He is a man who has no shame that his decisions and purpose as Governor is toshift the tax burden from wealthy Kansans to low-and moderate income workers in the state. The people have seen what kind of leader this Brownback is and is the reason he will lose the race this fall.
Sam Brownback is a Tea Party scumbag in Kansas that has lowered the taxes for the filthy rich and wrecked havoc on the economy of Kansas. He is trailing in polls and despite much funding to his campaign from upper classes around the country admiring his loyalty to their class he is still trailing challenger Paul Davis who is leading this Tea Party jokster by a few points. A Sam Brownback Governor loss would be a big message to the rich and bankers that they cannot have their politicians in power for long when John Q Public realizes and watches news about their candidate. Sam Brownback is one of the most hated candidates and incumbent politicians trying to get another term to serve the interests of the rich and put the majority of finance charges unto the middle class.
Rick Telander declares Chicago Cubs baseball complete garbage
Guy Baldwin
The Chicago Cubs are an over-hyped topic in the Chicagoland area and are quickly losing their cultural influence fastest Han people realize. This past summer showed a major increase for interest in soccer and like many urban and suburban areas vast numbers of Middle Easterners and Latino youth populations spells doom for this sport and the lameness of their institutions. Some sports writers are understanding this including g one of our favorite Ricks as the one by the name of Telander recently wrote about the Chicago Cubs and their mud tarp debacle. 
It seems like the Chicago Cubs organization is so cheap when it comes to paying for those at the bottom of the organizations ladder that they lack needed man power on the grounds crew. They fired a number of low-legal grounds workers because they did not want these workers to have to qualify for "Obamacare" and have to increase he pay of the players on the field whose hard work makes the ground playable.. In a recent late summer game a sudden downpour put so much water on tarp the crew could not get it off with their man power and when the players were asked to help out and pull the tarp before the field got too soggy they totally refused. More and more people are showing disinterest to this sport that makes no sense and is too long and I have spent the past two years now watching and enjoying more Chicago Fire games than Chicago Cubs.
Part of the reason why the Cubs are such a shitty organization is stories like this tarp debacle where they are so willing to spend money they generate by making tickets less affordable for average families on advertising. Perhaps the Chicago Cubs organization needs to spend more on the actual palace their advertising money declares scummy cheap Wrigley Field to be. Rick Telander went on to say the fans that keep supporting the Rickett's version of the Chicago Cubs are fools as all they get out of this product is complete garbage . Fans need to wake up they are wasting their hard earned money on lame entertainment when there are so many better options in the summer in a top class city like Chicago and perhaps when the baby boomers and old Iowa geeks realize this Wrigley Fields attendance would and should come to resemble the Chicago White Sox abysmal numbers that they have been pulling for the last decade.
Herbert thinks both the Beatles and Stones sucked ass
Herbert Gilbert
Three will never be a band t come and explode like the beetles. Their rise and rail are with the Rolling Stones is recounted in the book "Beatles vs Stones" by John McMillan . The book recalls events from 1964 to 1968 when these two bands invaded from England and rocked Americas youth. The fact that there was so many baby boomer youth and of the music I dusty compared to now is primarily the reason the Beatles were so great. It is often said the Beatles I flue cued a generation of musicians and people but it was actually the promoters that changed the Beatles image for a mass audience. The Beatles I learned through this book had a Marlon Brando biker look and they were basically an early punk band. Not only were the Beatles up is but in many cases actually young thugs from the impoverished regions of Liverpool. The Beatles were so loved mainly by a hysterical female population that was asserting their new found freedoms and the sexual liberations that bands like the Beatles and Rolling Stones promoted in their songs. People often say to me Herbert what band do you think was the greatest in the sixties when obviously as,ing about these two classic groups and I tell them the Monkeys because all these bands basically had big time managers paving their way through their entertainment and media connections and I doubt that a band like the Rolling Stones or the Beatles would even get invited to Lalapalooza today. The Beatles were phonies but they did sell many albums in a pre-cable era where there wasn't media fragmentation.
Vanishing neighborliness in suburbia
Bud Cooper
Neighborhoods have changed dramatically since the fifties and sixties when everyone knew the faces and names of the majority of people on their street. The transformation of neighborliness and people get g to know those who live closest has been a destructive element in modern America as now days most people know nor care about who lives nearby. Instead of conforming Americans today are far more concerned about express their individualism and this lays out culturally as many stay away from those they deem different. Marc Dunkleman has written a book called "The Vanishing Neighbor" that dwells into how America has changed and how we interact with out local community. He says people are less cognizant of others especially those from different economic or social settings as ourselves.in one example the author mentions how the central business district brought everyone down to one centralized place to shop and run into all different types of people but malls have displaced this opportunity of learning and meeting diverse peoples. Today's malls and dollar stores separate the lives of people based o. Economic conditions and the high end malls and expensive prices are one reason inequality increased unabated. Rich people are not about to take sacrifices and downsize their lifestyles and their control and a itty to manipulate the economy is a reason why there is ever increasing inequality in the Western world.
It is easy for the wealthy to make a nightmare for heir fellow citizens when they can avoid ever having to come across and seeing the wave of social destruction their actions cause. The ties and jobs that bind communities are easily thwarted by individuals with no connections to the communities and hold power and decisions that send jobs overseas to the benefit of the corporations. These are the same folks that can force the few people lucky to have jobs to work long hours and have no time for civic action and community involvement. As Dunkleman points out being neighborly today in suburbia means leaving the other person alone and not bothering to reach out and get to know them. The term neighborly has changed and evolved over the years and surely television has much t do with this. Unfortunately in this book he doesn't say much if this crucial cultural habit that coincided with the decline f the traditional American neighborhood as people fled to cheap constructed suburban housing in the suburbs to have more space from apparently real people.their appearing wealth masked in Ina transparency of accounting that rewards racial and economic segregation in over valued assets of housing. The apparent divisions and lack of ability to compromise has reached top levels of our governing body and this can be a result of the transformation of our living environment and castle-like modern mentality. Only an age of extreme abundance provided these living arrangements and Americans were only able to enjoy this momentary transition because the rest of the industrial world sat on debris following two World Wars. Marc ones through several topics and his feeling of governmental bureaucracies being responsible for demise of the community is way off base as he felt community responsibilities for old age and welfare was a better alternative. If this was the case there would not have been a huge demand for reform and a social security pact that Franklin Roosevelt's new deal pushed through. The private sector did not have the capacity to take care of all during the great depression. He concludes American exceptional ism is at risk with our inability to solve crisis in the community level and eventually there will be a day of reckoning we will all face for transitioning ourselves in this private living arrangements where we didn't take more investment in our fellow citizens, allowed unassimilable immigrants and foreigners take over much, and cared only for stuff that was advertised on the television invention that has dismantled all that helped make this once a great growing nation. Marc also fails to mention the industrial military complex in uprooting thousands of young people from their communities and placing them half across the world to fight and serve for wealth international oil oligarchs. This has done more than anything else in destroying communities as young people are taken from their communities in their prime years. This oak misses much in the authors attempts to explain why we are not like his grandfathers generations anymore.
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