Bobby Jindhal is a terrible governor in a terrible state down South and he was recently asked about school curriculum and his opinions during a speaking tour sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. Bobby Jindal said he is not a evolutionary biologist and the guy showed his extreme right winds views on whether local districts should be ale to teach creationism in their curriculum. This is one of the worse politicians and what the dork should of said is that he is not a politician. This is a lackey of the extreme conservatives that have always controlled Louisiana and the man is a disgrace.
Recent CNN polls show this man would get little attention as a liable candidate for president but Bobby went on to say he has been praying and agonizing about running for president. Why the National press didn't go after the depravity of this mans comments on biology will not know as only Think Progress and Mother Jones had articles on his comments. Perhaps the national press gave Jindal a pass on this wanting an interesting presidential candidate in the near future and as an Indian-American he would definitely be, however, this guy is a scientific illiterate and how he got a college degree in Biology is anyone's guess. Many Democrats are praying this guy does run for president as he is surely to as many more silly stupid comments that contradicts all the free education he was able to receive and apparently didn't put to an use. How anyone can study Biology and pass tests and then totally lie about his beliefs on evolution SOS the lunacy of Bobby Jindal. Only a inbreed and illiterate state such as Louisiana would elect a clown such as this fool to lead the states and actually have voice on state policies and budgets. Bobby Jindal though does have a better chance of going back to college and maybe learning something this time from gaining a PHD in biology. Much more of a chance than ever becoming president of the United States.
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