Sean Hanitty talks over Islamic scholar again

Alex Mousoloplous
   Sean Hannity is an extremely proud member of both Fox News and Christianity so the other day seeing him once again talk over an Islamic scholar was not very extraordinary. Sean like many people fear the increasing influence,power,and image of Islam in today's world that he was unaccustomed to seeing as a youth. He is also unaccustomed to hearing Imans and others with a different view of the world and the intolerance Sean shows often on his programs is insulting even to his loser loyal base.
Sean constantly talked over Anjem Choudary in this interview asking old simplistic questions about their culture such as the fact that women are covered up. The Iman answered back about the objection of women in Sean's culture and why women are forced through the media and television to have a body image that man can't attain. Sean has no problem with fact women in the West wear high platform shoes and what that signifies in a sick culture where women need to be sexual objects in finding a right monetized mate. The obscenity and stupidity of high heel shoes and women's scantly dress outfits are was more of a societal problem that veiled women in Islamic countries but of course idiots like Hanitty will never see it to that. Surely the jerk goes to one of these churches where women get all peppered up (young women) as if they were going to some sorority rush event. I was on an American campus this week where there evidently was a rush inspired event on campus and the number of young white women willingly to oppressed and objectify themselves in these summer dresses that barely covered up their crotch area was both remarkable and appalling. Hanitty ignored the answers from this man that much of what is reported in media is false about the forced conversions and these recent events are trumped up actions trying to draw America to reoccupy Iraq

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