Another interesting Adolf Hitler book

Jamie Logan
"The Rise Of The Nazis" is a book written by. Conan Fischer that looks at how the National Socialist Party made alliances with other Nationalist parties and battles leftist and communists in the street to rise to the top. This is an excellent book that looks at Germany's internal battles and politics in the late twenties and thirties and sees how  this small party overwhelmed rivals from both the right and left.
 A fascinating look at the rise of the Nazis and y voters and followers of the the  collapse of the Weimar Republic. This is sometimes frightening look at how the Nazi Party quickly consolidated  power and eliminated their enemies and the false flag operations that made this cruel power grab possible. looking back it was from February trough April in 1933 this minority party somehow managed to totally grab power and the drastic decision and is take to make Adolfo Hitler the chancellor is brilliantly outlined and examined in Mr Fischer's   book. The numerous regional and national elections that were a part of Germany at this time is explained and surprising facts that women were early factor in electing Nazi Nuts throughout Germany early in the electoral process before the Nazi nuts dismissed democracy. This book covers the time period of the Nazi Party right up to the invasion of Poland and is a great learning read of how exactly the Nazis gained power over other established powerful right-wing groups operating at this time in Germany such as the steel helmets. The total failure of authorities to stop political modern and battle in German cities  and prosecute Nazi thugs for their brutality on the streets early on is the primary cause for the rise of Nazis as their brutality ended and scared opponents into silence. 

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