Dinesh D'Souza and his thinking typical of new America

Alex Mouslolpolous
   There are many supporters of globalization and in his book America, Imagine A World Without Her Dinesh D'Souza puts a shoe is his mouth. Doused makes a comparison how if you paid a shoe manufacturer n America twenty bucks and hour you wouldn't get shoes that cost twenty bucks at Wal Mart and would cost eighty five bucks instead. Now I don't know if the fuck head apologist for empire. the new global Neo-Liberal America shops at stores in malls or outside the Wal Mart worlds for shoes but most places if you wanted shoes it will cost you u to eighty bucks for Nike or other to brands. Few Americans even among the most poverty stricken actually buys and would  be seen in public with the shitty shoes you find at a Wal Mart and the new whole book by Dinesh D Souza is filled with bullshit such as this. Dino actually had a movie of this book and few people went to see it and again he uses this book to push his Neo -liberal views and to bash unions for wanting higher wages to keep up with higher costs of food and rent. Perhaps you can get real cheap quality shoes and clothes through Wal Marts and the way they contract their clothing from over sea contractors and this is what the likes of Dinesh DSouza and others want to see of America.
 One that employs peons in other com tries lifting their pathetic existences a notch while lowering Americans to their levels destroying good jobs for cheap exports made from penny wages. Dinesh despises progressivism and says that the East is culturally more conservative and their rise is a great thing because they remind him more of the spirits of 76 and not 1968 but dummy fails to see it was progressivism that enabled the rise of Chinese and Indians with more opportunities available to people who look like them. Meanwhile globalization is killing American workers and the only reason a guy like DSouza would defend this practice is he is paid by big business think tanks that promote his propaganda. DSouza says nothing of the endless wars and oil rackets to protect global  shipping lanes for these practices to continue. The Wal Mart stores would not exist nor be visited if American workers had the good jobs that supported local business and the quality of better shoes than those that come unglued after two weeks. Most people would rather shop at Saks than the Wal Marts. DSouza also defends the practice of supporting the lesser of two evils in foreign lands over the years, such as the Shah of Iran, because it served American interests.
Perhaps Dinesh should ponder more why should we have any interests in places across the globe and support any evil and this is something jerks like him will never wonder and fail to see the tyranny of America in modern days is seen by others as we saw Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire. Dinesen continues his attacks on Obama in this book and basically feels the rich deserve their rights on top a d what is grossly unfair in the mind this moron is that poor people do t pay any taxes. What does this guy not understand about people being poor and not having money. How this guy feels it is the same as a millionaire having two hundred  instead of one thousand taken away for taxes is somehow the same as a person making seven grand a year not having the indignity of having fifty dollars taken away from his meager income pretty much  sums up what a loser and mindless idiot Dinesh DSouza is as a human being. Men like D'Souza pretty much sums up America and what this nation has become. good  job Dino

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