Yuppies in Wicker Park and Bucktown are accustomed to paying premium rents to avoid the old slobs and illiterate high school degree suburbanites and one of the luxuries of living in a "gentrified " area was having many bars to hang with buddies and fliers with the bimbos in the area. Bucktown or Wicker Park or whatever the area was was ethnically cleansed of Latinos some time alot make way for these mostly Iowa higher educated hicks from put of town with flashy jobs and expensive boots. I appears time may be tough though for some bars and one after another has been shutting down giving these twenty somethings less options and a sneak peak to their future in the suburbs. Small bars closure was a sudden shocker to those folks that think a beer is better because it is higher priced. This was a bar that pre-dated many other bars in the area and its closure is a for telling of things to come for the other business bar owners of these areas.
Club Foot shut down as a long time dive bar on the Armitage corridor of these trendy neighborhoods. I was really upset at this news because this is one bar yours truly never got to visit and flush its urinals. I remember vividly seeing old advertisements in the Latin eighties of this bar I believe in the Chicago Reader newspaper. Moonshine on Division also closed down and will no longer be used as a haunting grounds for Puerto Rican elites in the fashion industry. A shame. Silver Cloud was the closest thing to a white trash bar in this neighborhood filled with white trash who just happen to have good jobs that their home state couldn't provide with subsidies and luring global companies that crony Chicago has been successful of accomplishing. It appears that some of these places will just be replaced by other places where investors want to keep a neighborhood vibrant and special staging businesses that lose more in the long run but it appears that this neighborhood rebound has peaked as more bars close and lose their ability to be a major force in the community. The days of the bars Ponzi scheme of opening and closing at different spots if not defeated will prove to be more difficult in the future as local governments are forced to tighten belts
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