Geraldo Riveria calls out Facebook trolls such as our ownGus Perkowski

Andy Cruz
  Geraldo Rivera took a lot of shit from people the other day for his avocation and appreciation of president Obama's illegal executive action which just rewarded a bunch of criminals. Geraldo Rivera is like many Hispanics I know who see nothing wrong with Spanish-speakers breaking the immigrant laws and gaining an advantage due to geography as opposed to Asians or Europeans that want to migrate. he was so inundated with negative remarks to his facebook including dozens from our office hear at the Left Shark that Geraldo decided to update a message to all his detractors and called his haters "pieces of shit". If anyone who is a piece of shit it is Geraldo Rivera who is suppose to be a respected journalist and doesn't know how to respond to a round of criticisms in a more pragmatic way except being a little bitch on the internet. If anything exposes the concomitant nature of corporations and the media it is the fact that a tool and a jackass such as Geraldo Riviera has been able to have a voice for such a long period of time in America. the guy adds nothing but clear stupidity with his reports and is someone that would never be on television if the media actually was more open and merit based in life.

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