Due to the increasingly number of tobacco related products being shoved onto kids many municipalities have considered banning tobacco products and Westminister, Massachusetts ha s proposed a first regulation of banning of all tobacco products. As expected many local hicks flocked to the board meeting to harass the boards brave decision and decry a loss of liberties and freedom. The banning of this product would end the amount of health care costs that go to these freedoms and stupid decisions people make concerning their health and others. Brian Vincent of Vincent's country store that carers to smokers and the rural hicks who feel entitles to smoke their lungs out worry about this regulation by the board of the town of Westminister and encouraged many of his smoking customers to show up and display their displeasure with this measure meant to protect the health of today's children.
Many do not have the freedoms of not being exposed to second hand smoke. In Addition tobacco companies are desperately trying to hook a new generation of loyal smokers into their ranks as many of these old people who smoke themselves to death do not become future consumers of tobacco products. How these morons reflect freedom to their abilities to purchasing a product that causes so much harm and ill effects shows the depravity and stupidity of smokers in general. Westminister is just a blip on the map but it is an important one in this battle for the government to finally corral big tobacco and make it more difficult for them to conduct business as they were use to in gaining so many addicts in the past to a product that adds nothing but poison to the human body. Th defenders of liberty need to move on to other issues and not equate the harm these regulations will induce on a few local retail business establishments while ignoring the harm this product induces on millions of people in New England. Store retailers like Brian Vincent need to be nudged to sell more healthier alternatives in his cruddy stores instead of products that cost society in the long run and if it takes regulations to get it done then let it be. New England has many great apple orchards and perhaps shitheads like Brian Vincent need to add them to his small store
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