There have been man discussions of this bimbo walking arondNew York City in a tight outfit and then wondering why men went all John Travolta and Saturday Night Fever on her in the street. In case you were wondering Tyrone Magnus weighed in on this. video of the woman walking and getting cat called decided to give his word what little it is worth.
Tyrone said that many f the that a the video showed were harmless comments that people say to one another on the crowded city of New York. There were some brothers who went to far though and he couldn't understand why some would of went to the lengths of following her. What Tyrone should of said is that if women don't want to be bothered in the street like this woman was they should consider relocating to the burbs and go to malls to prance their shit around.
Tyrone said that many f the that a the video showed were harmless comments that people say to one another on the crowded city of New York. There were some brothers who went to far though and he couldn't understand why some would of went to the lengths of following her. What Tyrone should of said is that if women don't want to be bothered in the street like this woman was they should consider relocating to the burbs and go to malls to prance their shit around.
This video is dumb and what this young woman did was just looking for more anti-male stuff to give the media for material. Anybody who walks around for ten hours and tries to be silent in an area of 40000 per square half mile just is not gong to get it. Tyrone Magnus said this was a publicity stunt and with that he was dead on. These videos were edited and for all we know she was eying some of these men into saying things to her not knowing the trimester had a video camera filming this. The last I checked it was illegal to film people in public and maybe this should be the issue more than some guys saying stuff to a twenty four year old slut. In about ten to fifteen years as this girl gains weight (and you know she will from looks of her) she will be ale to walk around with a camera for ten hours more in peace.
Any dude with a girlfriend and a healthy day g urban life did man f the same things and things you are suppose to do to meet the opposite sex. This women and her organization clearly have some lesbian agenda under the disguise of harassment women ace on the street. Tyrone Magnus knows this and clearly the guy would not have a fine looking white girlfriend if he remained silent. This feminist video unfortunately made alot of news but thankfully there was some backlash on the numerous YouTube postings as people engaged in good dialogue and asking what the fuck was wrong with much of the things counted as sexual harassment when it was surely apparent that it was it
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