Michael Savage appears on Alex Jones program to promote another civil war

Gino Frobel
     Michael Savage was on the equally crazy Alex Jones program some time ago to promote his new book about the coming civil war. Savage wore this goofy hat from another era whether to declare solidarity with urban hipsters or not I do not know. He had the same rant about the constitution and how we are losing our liberties and that eventually the American people are going to push back against this foreign oppressive government. Whether Michael Savage believes this or not or just needs a new topic for his book in unknown. What is known is Savage got Jones all riled up and ready to go out shooting in the streets like many other mentally ill people are doing these days thinking that their government is against them. It is pretty amazing to see the lengths knuckleheads like Alex Jones and Michael Savage will go in order to sell books and seeds through their daily broadcast and right wing interviews such as this is what we call synergy in the industry as one host promotes the other. I am sure Jones will be on Savage's show real soon to promote Obama is a son of Satan who will promote a two world order between Mars and Earth. There is no gravity for the depravity you will hear through these two goof asses on the internet and not surprisingly through corporate radio dials as broadcasters need time slots for desperate advertising sales of nuclear free-seeds for farming. Alex Jones and Michael Savage are media morons that profit from complete lies,misinformation, and just plain dumb double talk. I look forward to this civil war II book by Michael Savage and completely ripping it apart.

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