Talk of Donald Trump running for president a sign of inequality

Alex Mouslopolus
   Donald Trump was in the news once again eyeing a presidential run for 2016 as the guy who basically was just a real estate scammer is again thinking he has the aptitude to be a leader. The only thing Donald Trump as been a leader to was other elite people as they scheme to how to best skim this nations profits away from workers and into the plutocracy that buys all the politicians.
 It would seem inevitable that so e of these p,into rats could start thinking they can skip the middleman and just get themselves elected with the money they have accumulated and ability to spread misinformation through their media. Donald Trump always wants to throw his hat and hairpiece into talk of presidential politics in order to keep his relevancy in this culture as a sixty seven year old man whose only talent and ability in life was access to capital and refinance because of his family. This is a guy who desperately needs to continue the status quo and fight redistribution of wealth because in a nutshell wealth is what gives this moron any media coverage at all. The fact you see so many of these business moguls with television programs and other programs like undercover CEO is  this new weird celebrity status they try to attain with their corporate money. The Donald has really wanted to be someone else than just some real estate and investor mogul who basically had things handed down and used power to weaken other institutions. All this nonsense about him r in g for president is just Trump trying to get brand recognition for his luxury buildings that really are no different than other buildings but rich assholes like Trump need to give the illusion of them being more valuable so he can use this value to increase his debt holdings and inflated properties. Just the talk of Donald Trump running for president is a clear n dictator of the inequality in this world as this man has absolutely no experience or talent no more reason to lead a nation as any fast food worker of truck driver.

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