Money Horse games cowers to North Korean hackers

Otto Jansen
   I was looking forward to playing a Kim Jong Un game from Moneyhorse games.
This Atlanta-based company had been planning on releasing the adventures of Kim Jung Un in a eighties retro-style game but unfortunately those plans had to be scrapped after North Korean hackers broke into their system and stole valuable data and material needed to create this project. The future possibility of more on-line  attacks coming from this hermit kingdom made the studio decide that it wasn't worth it to continue this game. north Korea evidently is a lace where they revere their leader as a living God not to dissimilar to the way the Japanese revered their emperor prior to World War II.
   Glorious Leader would of been a game to expose this myth a d the fact that
people in the North Korea have no choice to pay homage and be mesmerized by this ugly fat boy as they live in the lucid nightmare under the worlds most brutal regime. Hackers inspired from the fear from hacking I to Son pictures duplicated their success destroying the ambitions of game developers at Moneyhorse games and putting the same smell of fear into them as the peasants in rural Northern Korea experience daily on the rice paddies serving their glorious leader Kim Jung Un. It is a sad state that this measly little company would fear this little leader and cancel their project because of a few hacks and stolen material from pathetic slave hackers.
This is a shame and the game with the pudgy North Korean leader looked like it could of been a hit with its fast action and him riding dolphins and unicorns. One can only hope the the hackers put this information to good use and release their own pirated version of this game with Kim Jung Un fighting the Americans at every 16 bit angle they can think. Score this another victory for the despotic rulers and supporters of North Korea on our entertainment media landscape. 

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