Russell Brand writes a book on inequality

Troy York
  Russell Brand is cool the E Gish actor has been outspoken critic of the royal elites running globalization and free trade that impoverishes most people the world order Russell Brand has taken his clever wit and written it down n a new oak that focuses on inequality in a book called "revolution". Russell talks much about how government is corrupt and only works with those in money and his book pretty much covers his philosophy and covers his awakenings. He talks of the need for people to recognize how they are being played and manipulated by a system that doesn't work and only works to ensure money and profits of companies stays in the hands of a select few individuals and families. He talks of the importance of meditation and other self inwards seeing practices to get through the daily rituals and at times he seems to be on another universe with some of his rambling s which is cool. This is one celebrity that is aware of his consciousness and the need for them to give political expressions out to their fans with what they think is wrong with this planet. Brand goes on to illustrate how we are living in the greatest period of wealth transfer in history and greatest crime in humanity with how the wealth masters are hoarding money and preventing so many others from leading a life full of potential and promise.
 Russell admits he is no Noam Chomskey  but he is a unique character who has opened p many eyes about the wealth distribution in the UK and the US and how this wealth financial terrorism by global elites is pretty  much ensuring a global constant states of war all over the place to make profits while eliminating so many poor people. Brand has been all over the world to many countries seeing the extremes of elitism and poverty  in such places as India and this has clearly had an affect on him. The corporate global domination of economies and the ability to finance armies supporting the capricious nature of capitalism to benefit only a very few. all this while providing constant financial stress and crisis to workers and giving austerity programs when countries need loans is pretty much a the game and result of a broken system that needs a revolution to destroy it. A great book from someone with an important voice that is getting heard ore and more.

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