I happened to I catch a few minutes of the Big fat Steve Dahl radio show on WLS radio. Dahl went on to talk about about how all the sidewalks around skyscrapers had to be different from one another and how that made walking very difficult especially in the winter time. Steve Dahl has been on the radio a very long time and just returned to real broadcasting after about a decade off the air and Chicago does not know the amount of interesting topics that this genius can bring up on a live microphone. I mean that dialogue about him bitching about how these skyscrapers have to have Italian marble instead of regular sidewalk was just so great.
In the few amazing moments that I had this guy on my car audio he also talked about how there was some really old disgusting mouse pad in the offices and he couldn't believe that the owner would to replace it. As a suburban commuter into downtown Chicago Dahl said he would rather touch anything on the train including in the bathrooms than the mouse pad of this individual person in the studios of WLS radio. That was about as much as I could take of the brilliant dialogue of this radio legend in Chicago and I somewhat eagerly look forward to turning on his show in a couple of months for a few minutes to see what else Dahl will open his trap hole and bitch about whether it is outside or inside the studios of the corporate radio station that subsidize this clown and keep his career churning in Chicago
Dr Nassar would somehow justify brutal mass beheadings of Christians by ISIS
Dave Berkson
The beheadings of twenty Christians and the continuous kidnapping of non-Islamic women to the harems of Islamic State fighters must have certain liberal professors in a quagmire. They really don't how how to respond to the sheer something century brutality of one of their favored peoples to defend and celebrate as oppressed victims of the western world. The fact that Arabs had been as expansionist and racist I. Heir dealings on a historical aspect is something that is often overlooked and really there is no difference between Muslims and the Klan. The realization and similarity of outfit wear should not be understated and I would of loved to hear what so e of these professors wold say about these recent events. Somewhere out there a Dr Jamal Nassar might still be teaching his version of anti-Israel and anti-American version of Mid-East politics.
I had to sit through two semesters of this little pinhead who claimed to be a Christian of Palestinian descent yet was bias by motivation for Islamic terrorist supremacy in the region one must wonder what he really was in life. Aside from a piece of shit I do not know. What I do know that if he is still giving propaganda to college kids about events in the Middle East as he teaches it would go something like this. Through centuries of crusades many Arabs were given the ability to remain as allies and Christians during colonialism and as the West got powerful and ruled the lands the favoritism given to Arabs who were not Islamic was severe. This was the principle reason for the eventual overthrow of the European empires in the region and that Muslims see the presence of Christians in places such as Egypt and Syria and extensions of the legacy of European intrusion into Islam and it is blah a blah Ali baba blah blah. A a Jamal Nassar would of found some reason to justify this horrific mass beheading of migrant workers who happened to be Arab Christians that somehow have miraculously survived their oppressed communities. how these Arab Christians through the ages survived avoiding forced conversions and just plain slaughter from Intolerant Islamic scholars who use a oak to justify it is pretty amazing. They are the American Native Indians of their region yet somehow they are not celebrated as such thanks to the academic representatives such as this shithead professor who actually preach of the a uses and perceived sights at Muslims as the really tragedy of the region. This is all Islamic propaganda that oil money can purchase on the campuses of American universities having professors like Dr Nassar try to hide the fact that Muslims are a scrofulous group whose religious goals are the destruction of all others.
Rahm Emanuel humiliated
Troy York
Rahm Emanuel was shocked the other day after spending s e eight million dollars in what he considered a joke campaign. His opponents were unknown local politicians and business men and consisted of four men with little chance of at taking more votes. What Emanuel was most worried about though was bypassing a national election that would put Chicago and his policies on the national spotlight. He was sure all of his own personal money and money from the outside that enable him to run Chicago as an elite state with little concerns for families and working individuals that still make this a city and not a corporate state like San Francisco and Manhattan.
There was one candidate who is huge in the latino parts of Chicago and was a part of council wars in the eighties and former ally of Harold Washington that Emanuel feared. Jesus,don't call me Jesus Christ, Garcia had the political history in the city and experience to really run the city for everyone instead of just the wealthy British and Russian tourists. "Chuy" Garcia would care for all citizens in the city of Chicago and not just overpaid tech workers who want to bike in special lanes a half-mile to their offices. Emanuel got a last second boost from Barack Obama but failed to get the fifty percent of the vote that would of prevented a runoff and given him his second reign as mayor serving the rich and wealthy. Make no mistake this turkey was humiliated as the Chicago election was top national news for a few days and now the dirty son of a bitch is going to be in a race for his political life. Rahm Emanuel is as crooked as his predecessor Rod Blagojevich and many Insiders like myself know t and it is a matter of time he finds himself behind bars just like the former governors of Illinois.
There was one candidate who is huge in the latino parts of Chicago and was a part of council wars in the eighties and former ally of Harold Washington that Emanuel feared. Jesus,don't call me Jesus Christ, Garcia had the political history in the city and experience to really run the city for everyone instead of just the wealthy British and Russian tourists. "Chuy" Garcia would care for all citizens in the city of Chicago and not just overpaid tech workers who want to bike in special lanes a half-mile to their offices. Emanuel got a last second boost from Barack Obama but failed to get the fifty percent of the vote that would of prevented a runoff and given him his second reign as mayor serving the rich and wealthy. Make no mistake this turkey was humiliated as the Chicago election was top national news for a few days and now the dirty son of a bitch is going to be in a race for his political life. Rahm Emanuel is as crooked as his predecessor Rod Blagojevich and many Insiders like myself know t and it is a matter of time he finds himself behind bars just like the former governors of Illinois.
Outraged by violence in Jack Johnson's comics
Arnold Buckley
Jack Johnson is a comic writer of American history and has many books showcasing his talents and ability to draw history in his storytelling ways. His book called "Los TeUanos And Lost Cause is a two part story showing Jackson's amazing story of Early Texas.The first story is about Texas patriot Juan Seguin and his tragic story on how his fellow Texans treated him after they won independence from Mexico because of his ancestry. Jackson's drawings are incredible and it is easy to get lost in his art thinking of his comic book as a movie. Graphic books can be incredible informative reads especially given to a talented drawer such as Jackson.
The second story of this book is about some massive feud between ranching families set in reconstruction Texas and just about every other page has someone being blasted out of their boots with Texas style justice and revenge. The amount of violence in this book is something else and in a way it makes the story interesting if not hard to keep track of character development and who is who in these stories. Some critics would question Jackson's authenticity and accuse him of racism but more of the criticism should be directed to the violence of his drawings and his feelings that somehow the entire West was just filled with violence in every single parameter of society. Jack Jackson would take his own life in 2006 but his work will be remembered by comic artists the world over and this book is the best example of his style and controversial nature to draw a history perspective from the side of White Texans of the nineteenth century. If you subtract the numerous unnecessary violent shootings that had to number about thirty this book is. Piece of art showcasing his talents as a history writer and a comic artist.
The second story of this book is about some massive feud between ranching families set in reconstruction Texas and just about every other page has someone being blasted out of their boots with Texas style justice and revenge. The amount of violence in this book is something else and in a way it makes the story interesting if not hard to keep track of character development and who is who in these stories. Some critics would question Jackson's authenticity and accuse him of racism but more of the criticism should be directed to the violence of his drawings and his feelings that somehow the entire West was just filled with violence in every single parameter of society. Jack Jackson would take his own life in 2006 but his work will be remembered by comic artists the world over and this book is the best example of his style and controversial nature to draw a history perspective from the side of White Texans of the nineteenth century. If you subtract the numerous unnecessary violent shootings that had to number about thirty this book is. Piece of art showcasing his talents as a history writer and a comic artist.
Andy should of been displaced immediately on WKRP like John on Taxi
Ned Baily
I am looking forward to acquiring the second season of WKRP in Cincinnati as it long awaited release on DVD is coming in March. For years I have had the first season and only the first season as part of my classic sitcom DVD collection and about had given up hope for all four seasons of this program to be released someday. His show was pretty awesome and ranks as part of my favorite
seventies and eighties sitcoms with great characters with comedic value and appeal all except for the one played by Gary Sandy Called Andy. His should often a character dropped by the shows producers for another one in much the same way taxi dropped the loser who played John and that no one like. The John character will forever taint Taxi and I think the reason WKRP didn't get more rating and mass appeal or Emmy awards is mainly due to this boring Andy character that added Absolutely nothing for his role as station manager at WKRP.
How the fuck this actor and character wasn't dropped after he first miserable season I will never know and I do not look forward to seeing his role in future long forgotten episodes of this program that I haven't seen since the original airing. Every character of this cast added something to the show with a unique different aspect that created a cool work place setting that was the premise of this sitcom and then they cast this bean neck from Kentucky as some adult farm kid now in charge of operations. You cold clearly see the producers a d writers had no idea and confusion where to go with this boss character in his relationship with the others at the station. Many television programs would cast the boss as villain of the cast but they did not go in this direction with Andy. I would of cast Jennifer as the boss not really earning her salary and role as in charge and put the Andy character as a gay secretary to really get the creativity flowing. The Andy character like the John one in Taxi just was plain and had no imaginative immeasurable possibilities for interesting plot line development. Both deserved to have been scratched months before actual airing of these two great programs and their absence could of only have been a bonus bonanza as we had seen Taxi improve with newer funnier character replacement. To Gary Sandy the guy who played Andy travis..I hate you.
Hollywood elite and another media generated award show
Nick Dumgilio
Elite Hollywood actors and producers gathered in Los Angeles to pay homage to themselves and their easy monopolized work in the 87th Oscar awards which had its lowest ratings in a long time. Perhaps America is tired of seeing these dickwads make movies and then feel themselves worthy enough for a national platform to discuss the issues they prefer when accept g these awards. This year there were many lame moves and actors vying for awards and this has some part for the drop in ratings. The dullness of man of the movies of the year are also a main for the darker mood in Hollywood and the Oscars are becoming more and more just another media induced mass market to these performers and their elite status in America.
No wonder they give themselves awards that even higher status people determine instead if the actual ones who support this industry with their declining ticket sales that will continue to drop as more people dump the idea of the traditional movie theater multiplex experience. Movie theaters with their cookie cutter appearances and multi screens will go the way we see retail dropping and big box stores loos appeal with the newer generations. Only the mass media owned b many of te same companies that bring you these retreaded movies seems to think that the Oscars is a special event and basically the industry is able to reward themselves in this way by pretty much casting itself as some important institution because they create productions despite most lose money but have the backing of money that can sustain the loses. It is same money that can help create a little stir for a few critically acclaimed movies they determine are deserving awards and recognition that makes an event like the Oscars so laughable.
David Pakman takes it to Bill O'Reilly
Alex Mousloloplolous
I have enjoyed listening to David Pakman take it to Bill O'Reilly this week. All week the Pakman has had stories on Bill O and seems to have some vendetta against this old right wing television fuck head. Story came out last week that Bill O'Reilly once claimed he was in a war zone n the minor Falkland Island War of 1982 and that he saved his camera man from getting out of harms way as bullets were wizzing and flying everywhere. David Pakman being from Argentina told his podcast listeners that he inquired to his family about this incident and as news came out more of this incident it turned out this happened in Buenos Aries and not the Falkland War zone some man miles away as England was dejection g Argentine forces out of the disputed remote island. This as a anti-government riot and coup that followed far away after the war as the humiliation g quick loss of the islands fought abut the collapse of the government at the time.
David Pakman also brought up how the camera men had been to to shut the lights when filing as lighting wold make them more of a target during these street protests/riots in Argentine s capital. Bill O'Reilly can be seen arguing with the camera man to turn on the lights and actuality the antics of tis stubborn fuck and current FOX television an last actually jeopardized the camera man and the crew. This piece of shit O'Reilly should not even be on network television and should be some lame washed up youtube reporter with a silly channel like that fuckface Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Bill O'Reilly would be sent home from the network back in 82 for refusing to follow their procedures but many decades later this jerk wold become a bigger news television host and star thanks to the deep pockets of extreme wealthy right wing gets such as Rupert Murdoch. Without the media and corporate money there would not be these news outlets and a FOX network worse sole purpose is dispelling misinformation for the benefit of extremely wealth people who control the nation and corporations.
Bill Ojerkoff and many news broadcasters are only talented at embellishing a news story and one must doubt how often all these media reporters have done this over the years manipulating stories to fit the narrative they want to sell to the public.
Art Bell's 1996 July vampire show was audio disgrace
Cecil Brewster
On July 24 1996 Art Bell had a program about vampires that I did not have the fortune to listen to on that date? However, coming back from South Bend Indiana to Waukegan From be of my backpage encounters I happened to catch a radio station on the FM dial that rebroadcast this program from way back then. Corporate mainstream media loves non- controversial and illogical garbage as the Art Bell program and listening to this on the three hour ride home this past Saturday Night I was reminded what garbage they would lower themselves to put on the airwaves instead of real political dialogue and more important discussions to have on air.
Art would have these callers call on his vampire line and tell them they are vampires and about their lives and emotions in this culture This whole program was utter nonsense as nothing that this idiot Bell ever had contained any facts or real information and basically this guys offhand national radio program that was on the airwaves a very long time The fact that a station in 2014 would still decide to rebroadcast
a program of his infamous vampire show from 1996 and his chimerical phone calls from nuts claiming to be vampires shows the depths that radio has become. Its not intricate to see why these stations would want to have this still on the airwaves and to have talk about current conditions of society. Art Bell and his listeners and phony talk callers were all bullshit as is the decision of some Indiana radio station to keep his twenty year old crap on the air instead of actual live discussions with real hosts but this is what happens when radios whole revenues are controlled by advertisers and corporations that want to see the status of the unequal society that they prefer to see the world.
Remembering the Siamese twins in China book
Lee Park Kong
If you ever want to know what it was like when America first met China a book called "When America First Met China" is a great book. This book talks about how this new action was so innovative with sea trade that would soon be on the shores of a civilization that had been around three thousand years longer commencing trade with it. The United States has always had merchants wanting trade to richer their pockets and get some of the values out from the East such as porcelain, silk,spices and tea there was plenty of tea and I cannot imagine what tea must of been for the folks in the Nineteenth century. It must of been the coca cola of its age asI can count the number of times on my hands I have darken the stuff. Author Eric Jay Dolin pretty much discusses all the aspects and consequences of this relationship between America and China and once again the opium war is right up as does it seem to be a major part of every book about China post seventeenth century.
More interesting was the part he wrote on the Chinese slaves who worked the guano fields of Peru and the sugar fields of the Caribbean and our role of bringing about this legal slavery trans-Atlantic trade of human beings.plenty of great illustrations and drawings of the time period and Chinese paintings and artwork dot this book giving the reader some page candy and breaking the monatancy that book reading can be at times. I also learned a bit about the original Siamese twins Chang and Eng who Dolin writes a few pages about their lives in America as a freak show. These twins arrived in Boston to a sensation as they were a freak of nature joined at the hips and campaigned to a life together these guys settled their freak down in America both getting married to two women and liv g a life of orgy traveling around the country for all to see.
They would soon settle down in North Carolina and become wealthy and slave owners themselves with their own estate. Trade was the primary form of contact between these nations and this is mostly what the book is about givi g a glimpse of historical interactions that reverberate to this day with global trade and li is between these two big and powerful nations.
They would soon settle down in North Carolina and become wealthy and slave owners themselves with their own estate. Trade was the primary form of contact between these nations and this is mostly what the book is about givi g a glimpse of historical interactions that reverberate to this day with global trade and li is between these two big and powerful nations.
Wal-Mart heirs finally give their slaves a bigger wage
Carl Olsen
Feeling pressures from activist and agitators Wal Mart finally decided and announced that they were going to raise their stagnant wages up to nine dollars an hour. Wal-Mart said it was going to change the way it trains and pays workers and it seems that the company finally realized that a cell paid work force usually showed in the service and customer support they provided to shoppers. I once was in a Wal-Mart to buy an IPod and the black girl I was inquiring about it made it seem like I was intruding on her for seeking answers to questions for a potential purchase. The workforce for this store totally sucked and was a reason why many decided to skip the shopping for cheap Chinese products in person and went on-line instead for junk.
Wal-Mart also knows that the people who work I. Wal-Marts often do all their shop g at Wal-Marts and is primarily one of the reasons the suckers want to work for a place like this. Wal-Marts around this country are often the most aesthetically displeasing buildings often just being big warehouses with a bunch of the same boring products dumped about in a big space. Everything you can find in a Wal-Mart you can find in a Ace Hardware store that are usually smaller and have many workers about eagerly ready to asset so done. The pressure is on these big retailers as governments and organized protestors are demands g higher wages to help the masses of struggling hourly workers in these dead end jobs and no prospects I. This economy as the banking and loan masters really want no good jobs available u less people are willing to put themselves in massive debt for loans and time wasted in colleges. Many economists though say these pay hicks will not be enough for the workers to afford high transportation costs and affordable housing and food prices. These are all other categories protestors am want to look I to and help getting reduced as government bailouts of auto companies have done nothing to producing cleaner affordable cars and there is little justification for expensive housing when there are so few decent high paying jobs. Perhaps if there were more bailouts for workers on the low end of the pay scale and less for wealth towards executives and money distributors loaners to maintain their elegant lifestylethis Wal-Mart issue and the plight of the workers wold not be an issue. 
Mark Pincus and Don Mattrick hope sports bails out Zynga
Otto Jansen
Zynga partnered with a new golf game with Tiger Woods and it failed miserably the latest quarterly loss for Zynga of a projected 45 million was more and news for this bad game developing company whose profits continue t slide with the addition of more failing games on the market. The digital-game maker also projected lower than expected revenue for the current period despite incredible money and investment rich assholes continue to funnel to this company in search of its next big hit which is not coming anytime soon. Founder Mark Pinkus and current CEO Don Matrick cannot understand what they can do to ride this pathetic ship as they have done all sorts of corporate partnerships with such heavy hitters as the NFL and Warner Brothers and after seeing Pinkus last week at some convention I can tell the nerd is having a rough time worrying about his fledgling company .
Which brings us to the partnership and money given to Tiger Woods. Syngas stick will continue to drops entering with some guy who obviously cant perform like he use to and is a big has been. Even the Motley Fool had an article telling its readers that the NFL and Tiger Woods can't save this one time hot tech company famous for lame games on social media sites. Zynga announced that they are closing their Beijing offices and any company such as this closing part of their global headquarters especially in China is a good thing. New CEO Don Matrick and Pincus think that sports will turn it around for Zynga and indeed Matrick did alot of dealings with the sporting industrial complex while head of the XBox. The prick Mark Pincus and Tiger Woods know their game is up and little chance of turning their fortunes around are resting in peace as this company will soon one day. Pincus doesn't realize it but what made this company able to crow was that its unlicensed games, which were mostly rip offs, didn't require shared revenue which now he will need increases to pay jerks like Tiger Woods and National Football League executives and owners. The quicker joke tech companies such as Zynga are gone along with their profits the better the country will become and less ofa force will be the tech industry and their Chinese subsidiaries.
Zynga partnered with a new golf game with Tiger Woods and it failed miserably the latest quarterly loss for Zynga of a projected 45 million was more and news for this bad game developing company whose profits continue t slide with the addition of more failing games on the market. The digital-game maker also projected lower than expected revenue for the current period despite incredible money and investment rich assholes continue to funnel to this company in search of its next big hit which is not coming anytime soon. Founder Mark Pinkus and current CEO Don Matrick cannot understand what they can do to ride this pathetic ship as they have done all sorts of corporate partnerships with such heavy hitters as the NFL and Warner Brothers and after seeing Pinkus last week at some convention I can tell the nerd is having a rough time worrying about his fledgling company .
Rich in England still getting their jollies watching dogs rip into foxes
Jake Glass
Fox hunting with the use of dogs was suppose to be illegal in rural redneck England back in 2005. In that year a Hunting Act was enacted to try to end the tradition of fox hunting as men in Red coats with trained hounds..a pack of fifty trained hounds...would seek and destroy a lone fox. This "sport" is beloved in some parts of England where distances away from cities leads to a backwards culture of those in England living in the country.
This barbaric rite of passage mainly of the wealthy has continued and the act often ignored proving a double standard of laws that the rich never have to abide and follow in society. Thousands of people still attend these organized massacres proudly across Northern England killing the fox that these bastards consider a pest. The number of foxes being killed is unknown as these wealth owners skirt the law saying the killings are accidental as their pack of dogs get to far ahead of them when they are on a trail and they rip the fox to shreds. This hunting has been allowed to continue despite the fight against it from groups in Britain who fight against cruel pack hunting activities from these rural jackasses who get humor from organizing these animal pogroms on foxes and claim t is a community event and cherished weekend activity in their areas. I just wonder how they would like it that others might decide another hunt to target their expensive breed hounds as victims instead of the foxes.
This barbaric rite of passage mainly of the wealthy has continued and the act often ignored proving a double standard of laws that the rich never have to abide and follow in society. Thousands of people still attend these organized massacres proudly across Northern England killing the fox that these bastards consider a pest. The number of foxes being killed is unknown as these wealth owners skirt the law saying the killings are accidental as their pack of dogs get to far ahead of them when they are on a trail and they rip the fox to shreds. This hunting has been allowed to continue despite the fight against it from groups in Britain who fight against cruel pack hunting activities from these rural jackasses who get humor from organizing these animal pogroms on foxes and claim t is a community event and cherished weekend activity in their areas. I just wonder how they would like it that others might decide another hunt to target their expensive breed hounds as victims instead of the foxes.
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