Old man Patrick Buchanan wants to remain a voice on the conservative airwaves which offers many platforms for a man of his reputation. He has even on the vanguard fighting liberal secularism and blames all of this country's failures on this religion. Patty is not a guy who really stands for freedom and self-determination unless it is traditional conservatives in America and making all of the decisions. This is pretty much the theme of all of his books along with the concern of the declinging birthrates of Christians compared to others. He makes this clear in several of his books.
One of the most repulsive of his writings is the book called "Day Of Reckoning" where Patrick spews more of is garbage about what is needed to save America. What bothers Patrick the most is the Europe and America he fondly remembers is changing and that women are not forced to have six kids and be barefoot all day long waiting with the slippers for the breadwinner to come home. Buchanan longs for the day when America was 90 percent white and the other ten percent knew their place and where to go for their water fountain. Pat knows that this country's military is a tool for globalists and on this he gets it right to criticize the use of troops to police the world. In this Bush era book Patrick goes after the Bush doctrine and on our suicidal path that Republicans had set this nation on an imperial over stretch that have cost many of a soldiers life in the past few decades. Buchanan gives the reader a good history examine in this book and declares really how America became the last powers primarily by staying out of the two world wars for as long possible. Unfortunately leaders took this as a sign from the heavens that America was destined to lead the world into a path of unsustainable debt where death by debt is a result. Pat deals with our debt addiction and does a Good job explaining how this will be our downfall.
This is a downfall that has been constructed by those elites with global visions of wealth transcending borders and making nations obsolete. Buchanan wonders and worries about who will resume leadership as he sinks into despair about Chinese,Mexican, Muslims, and just about every other group that does not produce people that resemble George Washington. Pat worries about the Balkanization of North America eying a reader and having a fascination with history. Pat needs to chill out because if the ones with immense wealth are not has worried about nations becoming irrelevant than what should he really worry about how many languages are spoken in Houston or what the majority of people in Paris become Islamic instead of the secularist humanists atheists. Books like this show why the world will be better when dues like Buchanan bite the dust
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