Companies spend billions a year on advertising and direct a huge chunk of the economy towards a small segment of the population in jobs and agencies that hire only very educated people. Part of the trouble with income inequality is largely a result of this preposterous business practice and thankfully more and more thinkers are questioning these practices. Advertisers continue to spend more and more of the companies profits to this segment of their budgets on advertising without a real practical reason to justify these expenses. Many of thes ecompanies that got government bail outs refused to lower their advertising expenses and one has to wonder if bail outs are indirectly set to continue this shellgame of capitalism. Author David Korten examines this in several books and he is one of the leading figures trying to figure out a better way we as a society can move forward and away from the uses and abuses of a corporate class funded by cortopcracy of banks. David Korten kicks ass and continues to lead the fight with his extreme writings of tryi g to get people to imagine a world not ruled by money and the accumulation of a small percentage of theopultion with much more than than others so they can spend and use it to rule keeping power for their descendants. His brillant piece on creating a new economy should be must reads at all classes seeking alternative ways of running the world and changi g the world as we have known it. Korten knows all the ruling classes andI highly recommend all his books on these important to be discussed and
that needsto be discussed and spread.
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