Radio Shack is about to be no more. After eighty or whatever years this business has been operating it seems that there are no creditors around to give this failing company ,ore life support. Radio shack has been irrelevant since CB radios declined as an early mobile cell pone system in America and somehow morons think this is sign of our economy still failing instead of changes in consumer habits. Greg Hunter of the lame USA watchdog was one of many idiots to make this observation ignoring the fact that the internet has done away with the necessity of going to the strip mall for X chords. Greg went onto say that this company had been in business for so many years and its bankruptcy and sudden disappearance proves the economy hads failed.
No what it provisos that creditors who have allowed this failure to survive for so many extra years finally gave up on the concept and need of this small dummy strip mall stores.i was watching another one of USA watchdog YouTube channels with Greg Hunters stupid face again predicting a World War. Somehow in his tirade to buy gold and the dollar was about t collapse he somehow links that this shack franchise demise was telling for the cuntry. this stupid store that peaked in the seventies and has been crippling ever since has nothing to do with current state of the American economy. Radio shacks did fill some of the worse strip malls in suburban America and now having more empty store on main drag streets and boulevards instead of great building with apartments on top is the real sad story. It was rat bastard companies like Radio shack that are responsible for sameness and suburban ugliness and the crap that village leaders and corporate America synergies to put on the American landscape in a need for cheap quick construction. The Greg Hunters will never get it and failure of companies such as Radio shack is what we need to get this country and economy working locally and giving small independent family business priorities. These priorities should triumph profit motivation centralized corporate beuracracies who has no concept of importance of aesthetics beauty for a community. It will be good to see one less output of corporate waste out onto the advertising states of America televison complex as well. less stupid ads such as the classic Jason from friday the 13th fame walking into a radio shack in another example of stupid corporate television waste subsidizing the mainstream media
So long Radio Shit.
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