Barry Rozner says the NFL is immune and will always get bigger

Dave Berkson
   Barry Rozner is a jag sports writer in the Chicago area that mocks the possibility of the NFL falling in the eyes of the public. He thinks the death of the NFL is greatly exaggerated because he loves this game and watching mostly big black men from poor backgrounds smash the shit out of each other. media print assholes like Barry Rozner are part of the problem with their refusal and stubbornness to see nothing wrong with this cultural trait of modern America. Barry Rozner would back pitbull or cockfighting if it was popular and got corporate bucks to support it televising it as some legitimate event. Barry Rozner is a cock fuck who would also feel right at home on a Southern plantation wagering mon
ey watching two slaves battle it out to the death for gambling pleasure and their masters pride. Perhaps the moronic Barry Rozner didn't notice how quickly boxings importance and relevance in the public has disappeared over the years and the same will happen for football. Rozner says here it is in 2015 and the National Football League is bigger and badder as ever with their government subsidies and corporate bank bailed out money to keep shit like the National Football League around for companies to divert money around avoiding paying workers a livable wage. This is pretty much what big time sports. The sports world and leagues exist to divert money around to the special interests of corporations and use tax payer money to fund their entertainment complexes that they they can rent out to companies. Rozner wrote a recent article pointing this out but had a fact wrong. fans are not eating this out and if they went to a paid subscription rates this would bear fruit and is why the National Football League has never done this for playoff games and the Super Bowl.
 This game only has fans because of the debt financing and constant advertising of tis league and so-called sport from television and advertising that has such a powerful influence of a dumbed down nation that lets a small percentage control most of the nations wealth. A guy like barry Rozner will always defend the league regardless of the scientific facts of the dangers for the players because the fuck is an elitest who gets paid for writing on the game and not having his skinny frame on the tax-funded fields of this ultimate stupidity on Sundays. Barry Rozner is a tool of the sport and is not cool just a really dumb looking dweeb who should be fortunate that in life he was not in a position to have to play this big and bad game.

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