No auction for fifty taxi medallions reveals the scam is end

Terry Blue
   Taxi Hater here mother fucker. Chicago's inspector general contended after months of question by your mother fucking favorite and best taxi reporter that indeed the auction of fifty taxi medallions in 2013 had never occurred. the City department of Business Affairs had delayed the auction until their partners, friends, future lobbyists, were able to get their cards together and extend the financilization of the auction that the city expects to reap some eighteen million dollars. Terry "Taxi hater" BlueThe city had set their sites on a minimum bid of 360,000 which is outrageous and basically shows how much you have to pay to ply drive a taxi in cities these days as cities look to generate income and profits from any type of service to the public. perhaps the city knows this Ponzi scheme of financialization taxi medallions like they were McMansions for the right to drive a taxi and average seven bucks an hour for a eighteen hour shift really isn't worth that price tag. I would conclude that the actual real price of a taxi medallion should be 13,345.67.... and sixty seven cents. The fulsome exercise of making it cost hundreds of thousands for a medallion is something you only see in these elite over-priced cities where the average person cannot even afford to reside in much like their ancestors. The quicker Uber and Lyft can destroy this business/government monopoly of drive sharing the better the traffic patterns will be giving people more options and more affordable ways to transverse urban centers without owning a carbon emmiting automobile. There is never any transparency nor explanation why sales of these medal pins should be this expensive and limited by government.

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