Poor Glen Beck is out of the Republican party

Troy York
   It must be hard for the extreme right-wing in this country who see the republican party not as hav ing their best interests I mind. Glen Beck said the other day he was done with the Republican party and where exactly he will go to is unknown. How these religious extremists think that a party should bestow to the demands few in this country think is appropriate for government to act is a shame and a sham. the Republican party serves best the interests for the rich and powerful who have used religion to their best at promoting and continuing inequality.
There are no third parties in the United States and this is a fact of life that Glen Beck should realize and accept. Perhaps he should start some third party or blaze party for the extreme religious right to form and try their best for political power where they can judge over others in a legal way. The party would get less votes than the Libertarians and Greens and this dumbass Glen Beck knows this. The problem is that Beck is just so maudlin for the days when overly religious people had an overabundance of influence in society and culture and there is no turning back to these days. Blaming a political party that has served your economic issues does little in overturning glen's hopes of how society will become once again where the nuclear family reign supreme and over 50 percent of the public went to mass on Sundays to hear one guy talk and be part of an undemocratic institution called religion. Glen really needs to practice what he teaches and not ask for money from republicans and form his own constitution party to support and ask for donations. Glen beck is a nobody and deservingly away from corporate media and on his own channel that like Howard Stern nowdays few will turn to and pay any attention.

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