Jordon Morgan
Utah wants to bring the firing squad back as a method. The state is tired of years of anti0death penalty activists making an issue out of condemmed killers not falling asleep right away in the pathetic way this nation kills killers. The firing squad has been used for much of this nations history and is no more inhumane way to kill a prisoner than the methods used by these convicted killers on their helpless victims.
These condemmed killers, beat, stabbed, shot, strangled, asphyxiated,tortured, and killed in every imaginable way. few killers ever used drugs to kill their victims and only liberals are twisted enough to give these men a humane way out if they have to relent to executions to begin with. Liberal have long sought to ban the death penalty but this is the most violent industrial nation on Earth and as long as this remains fact there should never be abolishment of the death penalty. More states need to add the death penalty to their justice system and polls show consistently there is always wide support to put serial killer and other ruthless murders to death in this country. If Utah restarts this excellent method of liquidating these bastards this would only be great and encourage more states to drop the lethal injection method that is too much trouble and always having some court challenge and liberal outcry because they don't work correctly. A firing squad would get the job done as the bullets would pierce the skin and kill brutally the murderer and show no mercy much like they didn't and got themselves in this position to begin with.
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