Social Critic criticism.....Vapor contests

Tony Miselli
   Just when anti-smoking campaigns were finally paving off the return of smoking ludicrous smoking competition called cloud chasing as highlighted recently in the Wall Street Journal. The rise of e -cigarettes and vapor stores targeted to youth to help entrap the, into more smoking of tobacco and other products can be called a revenge of the tobacco industry as its marketing campaign to induce more youthful smokers is paying off. Electronic Cigarettes are just as toxic and cancer causing smoke as regular tobacco and how they try to portray themselves as something less dangerous needs to be examined by the justice department. These new competitions spreading world-wide are successful attempts by the growing e-cigarette companies to spread their influence with the competitions on wo can blow the biggest smoke. They are completely shameful and basically the vapor ndustrynis another smoking tax scam by businesses who set up these tiny storefronts and claim to be a family business while just being used to divert their profits and total incomes away from  the tax man. There are no markets for cigarette stores or even these entropic cigarettes even with this so-called growth and funded attempts by big tobacco to return to cultural prominence. There are many executives desperately trying to return to the fifties where matey percent of the population were peer pressured to start this highly addictive product whose complete ingredients are harmful t the human body and those unfortunate to be around the smokers. Electronic cigarettes and this industry needs to be attacked and gone after by the same campaigns that has been fighting big tobacco all these years helping turn the tide against this ultra disgusting habit that in many parts of the world continue to flourish such as in China where every lower income scumbags seem to smoke. Even in this country once you get away from educated bran areas the number of loser town rural hicks who ove and brag about this product is alarming. What can you expect though from rural areas that in addition to big tobacco are bigtime meth and other drug abusing idiots whose own backwardness is primarily due to their ignorance of what is healthy 

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