Biker terrorism shows dangers of rural Texas trailor park trash on Harley machines

Ali Muhammad
   Texas trailer park trash had a shootout in Waco, Texas the other day as hundreds of chiefs from head biker gangs converged on a corporate sleazy restaurant chain in Waco Texas. nothing smells more read state than corporate breasteraunts and dirty bikers with jackets made out of gang warrior movies of the seventies. nine dirty bikers were fortunately  shot dead and no innocent bystanders were killed and clearly had this been an Islamic shooting this news would be talked about for weeks. the threat and terrorism by biker gangs is a type of violence that is ignored and swept uder the rug by the mainstream media who instead wishes to focus on time and energy on arrests of terrorist plots from youth set up by FBI agents that really ever had chances of materializing. if the fed focused its time and energy on other criinal activity instead of profiting from the trade of illegal narcotics and the cheap labor of these gangs perhaps incidents as this and biker gangs would cease to exist. What is amazing is that law enforcement and this Twin Peaks restaurant chain new this meeting would take place and they still allowed it to take place and I hope some employees decide to sue the shit out of this rotten sick company. Surely there would be a huge settlement or lawsuit if a waitress or child slaughtered in this mess and luckily for corporate twin peaks this didn't happen, the role of this sic restaurant will be explored later this week but for now I want to focus on these rednecks.
 from what I hear from Alex mousolpolous, a former Gaylord, is that gang sweaters in urban cities would often be confiscated and outlawed by law enforcement as demands from a public angered by the public display of gang wear and activity put a kabash on the wearing of these fifties style school lettering sweaters. I think they should consider these motorcycle jackets and club displays in much of the same manner as basically these are criminal enterprises and not just boomers looking for a weekend activity. Whether red states actually clamp down on these hicks is doubtful as many states are intimidates even forcing these old jackasses and gang bikers from wearing a fucking helmet. its good to see some attention finally come to these "motorcycle clubs" who most are elements of organized criminal activity and only difference with inner city gangsters is that they are white and treated with more leniency instead of the criminals and potential domestic terrorists they actually are.

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