Texas White and Brown truck loving trash thrashed by global dening floods

Troy York
   Texas is one of the dam awful states down South teaching others the love of over-sized American dreaming and living. These bible belt swaters love their wide roads and large trucks profiting from the cheap migrant brown labor that also shares a hope of the bigger living the United Red  States have to offer only a very few. With this in mind it is not discerning to see Texas and both White and Mexican people swamped by floods of their biblical proportions and predictions whether they be protestant or Catholic global climate deniers. The people in this state regardless of ethnicity are some of the biggest religious hypocrites in this nation having put this nation on the path to destruction with their insistence that God controls the climate and we should keep pushing big oil and our driving obsessions. immigrants who share these beliefs flock to these neo-liberal attitudes and few Mexicans ever care really about the environment coming here and not working to improve their native environment. More floods will hit the red states as total disregard for environmental initiatives and curbing the burning of fossil fuels is resisted by a apathetic population who believes they have a God given right to alter and destroy trees and the surroundings in their almighty drive for the profit. The amount of sprawl and lack of urban public  transportation alternatives is appalling by this suburban nation of Texas that is just out of sense and touch with reality. Texas pretty much started the trend to common big SUVs and trucks as everyday drive and now the bastards are going to pay a price with their arrogance as these flooding events will wreck havoc on the numerous paved and soothed roads these hicks and spics need to drive their microtrucks. I look at pictures and every vehicle stuck in water is an oversized large 4000 pound behemoth of a machine needs many fossil burning to be added to the environment to move its mass. these vehicles take four times..four times the amount of carbon burning than your average mom and pop old time car. It serves Texans right for their love affair with big carbon polluting and heat inducing atmospheric destruction and what did these denying mother fuckers expect adding all this heat into already humid environment of Texas. 

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