China has played the United States and their neighbors for a long time. Michael Pillsbury looks at how China sees America as public enemy number one and with patience seek to replace this country as the next superpower. Based on interviews the author looks what has gone wrong with this relationship and how the United States has been mislead about the benefits of an improved Chinese economy and global influence. I
China's eventual plans for world hegemony revealed by Michael Pillsbury's book
Lee Park Kong
China has played the United States and their neighbors for a long time. Michael Pillsbury looks at how China sees America as public enemy number one and with patience seek to replace this country as the next superpower. Based on interviews the author looks what has gone wrong with this relationship and how the United States has been mislead about the benefits of an improved Chinese economy and global influence. I
n his book called "The Hundred Year Marathon" Pillsbury goes through a laundry list of Chinese actions and deceptions to be included in the WTO. The repressiveness of China on its citizens and press yet being rewarded with international investment and scientific knowledge passed onto its people. China has grievances with America and the state in China has pushed in recent years a propaganda agenda to blame everything that went wrong in recent Chinese history on both the United States and Britain. Chinese state banks prevent Western companies into their markets and give their state run companies competitive advantages. China has given the illusion that it was opening up its markets to free trade and competitiveness but have instead done the opposite and this according to Pillsbury pretty much explains their rise along with their currency manipulation.
The Chinese have also perfected the art of counterfeiting products and stealing key technological secrets from the West and their actions clearly should be alarming and best clear indication that working with these companies in any capacity is detrimental to America and our allies in Asia. China has violated about every promise they made in order to get accepted into these trade groups and have used the economic growth to foster a more dangerous international tension with built up military spending to bully and intimidate their neighbors. As Pillsbury points out China has sought to induce complacency by promoting soothing messages and concealing the fact that they are trying to build an empire and create an enormous army that can take procession of any island they desire someday.
The author looks at a potential New China order by 2049 and how they are running modern China now are any indications of things to come this prospect should be extremely alarming. A sinocentric world would nurture undemocratic dictatorships and export the idea of growth at all cost without any health or safety standards. To end the book this China expert gives ideas on how to counter China's hatred and counteroffensive against us. We need new strategies and a new coalition against China that would combine our resources and ability to stand up against China's empire goal of resource hoarding and empire buildup that threatens both Asia and Africa and promises to spread corruption and despotism around the world. poor Pillsbury. he goes on all of these TV programs to try to inform Americans how their country is being tarnished and how many of our elected officials and businessmen are cahoots with China's goals only to be ignored by a pubic more interested in Tom Brady's balls and Kim Kardashian's boobs . This will be the real reason China surpasses us.
China has played the United States and their neighbors for a long time. Michael Pillsbury looks at how China sees America as public enemy number one and with patience seek to replace this country as the next superpower. Based on interviews the author looks what has gone wrong with this relationship and how the United States has been mislead about the benefits of an improved Chinese economy and global influence. I
Stephan Pastis hates pigs?
Arnold Buckley
Pig is a character in Stephan Pastis Pearls Before Swine which is basically the oddest comic strip out there. In this animal dominated comic strip a bunch of animals mess with each other and many times the comic creator himself is thrown in these prints. What really is disconcerting to me about this sardonic comic strip is the amount of three stooges violence one finds in it and like ninety percent t of the time it is directed towards pig.
This is a bit of a bullying comic strip and the amount of fighting and violence is superfluous and unnecessary. I was looking at through some old comics through a web comic portal the other day and came across this Pillsbury boy strip where pig gets the snout shit stuffed out of him through an ass beating by the Pillsbury guy after he tries to rub his 'cute" little belly. Why Pastis lives in a fantasy world where the Pillsbury guy is as violent as a second string Philadelphia Flyer right-winger is not really understandable but there he is having the lovable dough boy beating the shit out of pig. One violent strip can be ignored but when every other comic strip involves one of the various animals (except rat) getting the shit be out of their snouts makes a comic critic like myself squirm and say what's up. Pig takes the amount of abuse of a Curly in the three stooges and again one wonders why Pastis directs all of his anger and drawn for this adorable and popular character of his comic strip. One can only do a search of pearls before Swine comics on Google and see a mass of comics where pig is made into bacon live on the strip after he says or does the wrong thing to something. it can be a cruel world when one makes the Pillsbury dough boy out to be some evil gnome.
Pig is a character in Stephan Pastis Pearls Before Swine which is basically the oddest comic strip out there. In this animal dominated comic strip a bunch of animals mess with each other and many times the comic creator himself is thrown in these prints. What really is disconcerting to me about this sardonic comic strip is the amount of three stooges violence one finds in it and like ninety percent t of the time it is directed towards pig.
Revelation radio news reveals they are church Nazis and bad comedian supporters of jerks like Jerry Seinfeld
Alex Mousolopolous
Christian podcasters are all over the internet in the last ditch effort of Christians to remain some relevancy among the youth. They are a dying breed in this country and yet have such a powerful political voice funded by many generations of money donated by white haired bastards that want to continue to dictate culture and morals everywhere. Andrew Hoffman and Tim Kilkenny have a lame revelation radio news podcast that I check out from time to time and they had a program about cultural seems that they were upset because Jerry Seinfeld complained he couldn't pay at congestion anyone and make humor of weak members of society. Conservatives lament the fact that people won't just accept the comedians and actors that corporate media pushes for fame like we use to have to accept. The real cultural Marxists were decisions to make people like Jerry Seinfeld and other rude and insulting comedians so famous by the wealthy upper classes in order to control public and get message across. good for college kids for not putting up with assholes like Jerry Seinfeld that other generations were dished out.Cultural Maxrists in their view is when anything outside of the church sets for policy and whether or not one can discriminate or not.
These clowns were talking about identity and how know anyone can claim anything these days as whether they be a man or woman and so forth. The fact that the state would declare that transgender people or homosexuals have rights and so forth infuriate these young dweebs and they expect the same social stigmigzation and dislike in daily life as one of these people would feel in their Christian temples. The real cultural Marxists all of these years has been Christians whose only goal in life is to be the judges in charge of society and determine who is sinning and what should be done about it.
Christian podcasters are all over the internet in the last ditch effort of Christians to remain some relevancy among the youth. They are a dying breed in this country and yet have such a powerful political voice funded by many generations of money donated by white haired bastards that want to continue to dictate culture and morals everywhere. Andrew Hoffman and Tim Kilkenny have a lame revelation radio news podcast that I check out from time to time and they had a program about cultural seems that they were upset because Jerry Seinfeld complained he couldn't pay at congestion anyone and make humor of weak members of society. Conservatives lament the fact that people won't just accept the comedians and actors that corporate media pushes for fame like we use to have to accept. The real cultural Marxists were decisions to make people like Jerry Seinfeld and other rude and insulting comedians so famous by the wealthy upper classes in order to control public and get message across. good for college kids for not putting up with assholes like Jerry Seinfeld that other generations were dished out.Cultural Maxrists in their view is when anything outside of the church sets for policy and whether or not one can discriminate or not.
Kurds smash ISIS terrorists as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan worries
Ali Muhammad
Kurdish militia forces along with Syrian rebels are basically the only actual fighting force taking on the radical Islamicists known as the Islamic state. Kurdish militia is pushing ISIS back and putting many into graves and a quick place in their heaven and yet Erdogan seems more concerned with growing and deserved Kurdish power r.
The Turks have long been accustomed to having these people second class citizens and the threat of retribution and power of an actual Kurdish state is something the Turkish authoritarian state is more worried about than Islamic state. it would not be surprising to see much of the charity and money ISIS gets to run their operation is in fact coming from Turkish Sunni nationalists. Much like Iran the Turks have wanted power and expansive influence in the region and the lands surrounding their country that is quickly seeing demographics tilt towards the Kurdish people. He has falsely claimed that the Kurds are doing some ethnic cleansing on Turkmen people who are neither Turk or Kurds but something in the middle. he has maintained this view without a shred of evidence while ignoring the atrocities that the Islamic Sate has carried out throughout the Middle east and clearly if they were a Shiite group this sorry Nazi jackass would be more worried about. the misogynist Recep also fears the independence of Kurdish women and how many of them grab a gun and take up arms against the Turkish republic and ISIS sex kidnappers hoping to reinstall jihad harems. Instead he is terrified especially after recent elections which prevented him of altering the Turkish secular constitution into a more repressive regime on minorities that would make the black hooded Klan ISIS proud.
Turkey has been obsequious to the rise of ISIS and clearly sees little to fear from it suffering hardly any attacks such as have hit Tunisia and other states in recent days. There is a reason for this and a Kurdish buffer state in these Sunni lands is desperately needed to ebb the growing tide of ethnic and religious hatred seething in this region and is why the Kurds are fight back at Sunni extremists, Turkish supremacists, and Islamofacists so hard.
Kurdish militia forces along with Syrian rebels are basically the only actual fighting force taking on the radical Islamicists known as the Islamic state. Kurdish militia is pushing ISIS back and putting many into graves and a quick place in their heaven and yet Erdogan seems more concerned with growing and deserved Kurdish power r.
Looking for Steve Dahl on Metra train to Chicago
Carl O'olsen
Steve Dahl on WLS radio in Chicago often lets it be known he commutes everyday to beautiful downtown Chicago. he is happy and elite to be able to enjoy working a sit down gig and not having to be in Westchester or working in some dull office near his hometown of Western Springs.
Dahl proudly takes the train though says little about the positive aspects of public transportation and many of his comments on the other riders show Dahl's superior feeling over some of these folks with the same anti-public transportation views many who fled to suburbia in the seventies repeated. now these fools live in choked artery's and highways of suburbs without any public transportation system and Dahl recently had a tirade about a proposed commuter tax on leeches such as himself who come from the suburbs with their cushy jobs and pay taxes to western springs instead for their little traveled cul-de-sac side streets towards their McMansions.
Dahl has ticked me off with his views that by going to Subway or Blimpies his fat ass is contributing enough to Chicago's transportation grid and maintenance of downtown. \it is assholes like him who get to actually use downtown on a daily basis over those stuck out in the burbs and only get to use it on the weekends enjoying the Harold Washington library and the diversity that comes with it. Downtown workers should not only pay a commuter tax but also a downtown maintenance toll as they are the ones whose luck and economic opportunities benefit the most from having a ritzy urban core center with fountains and nearby museums.
Dahl is a fat joke and a boring unfunny radio hot only on the air to subliminally talk about products, programs, and events gaining the station extra fees and advertisement. I have a goal of finding this dweeb on the train and uploading a picture of his ass heading to his Chicago show on the Metra to see if he even takes the train he speaks on his show all of the time. it shouldn't be hard to find Dahl on metra knowing what station he leaves from and likely he would be in a dumb Hawaiian shirt and his labtop.This guy likely commutes by car or limo for most of his trips to the Hancock center to due his lame ass show for four hours from his residence in Western Springs. Just the image of Steve Dahl in a metra is a joke and nothing would be better than to get the picture here. stay tuned.
Steve Dahl on WLS radio in Chicago often lets it be known he commutes everyday to beautiful downtown Chicago. he is happy and elite to be able to enjoy working a sit down gig and not having to be in Westchester or working in some dull office near his hometown of Western Springs.

Mark Levin goes nuts about Supreme court ruling
Ned Bailey
It was an excellent week for liberals as the conservative dominated Supreme Court of the United States. They upheld the Obama health plan where everyone gets health coverage regardless of income and wealth. They also banned the plans of certain states from continuing to put gays as second class citizens of their awful red states and deny them basic human rights and recognition hiding behind religion to express their displeasure for change and options for adults. He voiced his corporate paid radio voice his disgust and anger at these decisions this week talking about his loss of liberty now that these government decisions have been made.
Perhaps next they should go after radio hate that mark Levin promotes to large audiences as this guy is the one who is nuts and rejects the notion of a Supreme Court when rulings he favors don't come to pass. The prognosis of important social liberal issues look good especially given the rights ability to help out and waste money funding idiots like Mark Levin to speak on their side and issues. mark Levin is a complete nut and really should be fired by those in the liberty movement as he does them more damage than any substantial contribution. A guy like mark Levin is why presidents are very careful to screen their court nominees because they want to screen out the loose screws out there that might share this jerks mind on public policy and who we can discriminate against providing health to and allowing the benefits of marriage.
It was an excellent week for liberals as the conservative dominated Supreme Court of the United States. They upheld the Obama health plan where everyone gets health coverage regardless of income and wealth. They also banned the plans of certain states from continuing to put gays as second class citizens of their awful red states and deny them basic human rights and recognition hiding behind religion to express their displeasure for change and options for adults. He voiced his corporate paid radio voice his disgust and anger at these decisions this week talking about his loss of liberty now that these government decisions have been made.
Jurrasic World typical of retread Hollywood
Nick Dumbjilio
Jurassic park had three movies and by the third movie the public got tired. The last of the Jurassic dinosaur trilogy made merely a dent in the mind of the movie public back then and it took another generation for them to attempt a comeback with this idea. Jurassic World, like much of Hollywood these days, is unoriginal and pretty much the same movie some two decades ago. In anther two decades Jurassic Planet will make its debut and pretty much bring in big money as this movie made rehashing an od idea because the movies cannot come up with anything new nor clever yet somehow the public keeps going to movies even in the summer making this and a second place pixar movie a blockbuster weekend for Hollywood. The special affects are laughable and nothing in this movie looks real. it is really amazing how these special affect movies predominate but that most likely is an indication of power of technology in all fields of society creating a upper caste class society and occupation with the endless money printing and rewards that goes to this tiny field.This movie was so boring and dull and doesn't deserve the huge success it received from a boring public that appearently couldn't get enough of these obstreperous trilogies on their DVD collection.
Sooner or late the idea of dinosaurs just running around and causing havoc within a park will run its course and Hollywood will come up with the concept of talking dinosaurs much like 1996 Dragonheart for a fantasy movie audience tired of just having dinosaurs act like fast wild mammals. Jurrasic movies are actually like a fantasy science fiction zoo for people and maybe Hollywood will just come up with virtual reality Dino Zoos for people to spend money and time. Jurassic zoo and Jurassic Planet will be due out sometime in the 2020's with a new cast of young adults and children excited about the prospect of bringing back dinosaurs on this planet or another.
Jurassic park had three movies and by the third movie the public got tired. The last of the Jurassic dinosaur trilogy made merely a dent in the mind of the movie public back then and it took another generation for them to attempt a comeback with this idea. Jurassic World, like much of Hollywood these days, is unoriginal and pretty much the same movie some two decades ago. In anther two decades Jurassic Planet will make its debut and pretty much bring in big money as this movie made rehashing an od idea because the movies cannot come up with anything new nor clever yet somehow the public keeps going to movies even in the summer making this and a second place pixar movie a blockbuster weekend for Hollywood. The special affects are laughable and nothing in this movie looks real. it is really amazing how these special affect movies predominate but that most likely is an indication of power of technology in all fields of society creating a upper caste class society and occupation with the endless money printing and rewards that goes to this tiny field.This movie was so boring and dull and doesn't deserve the huge success it received from a boring public that appearently couldn't get enough of these obstreperous trilogies on their DVD collection.
Max Keiser and Thom Hartmann play race card
Cecil Brewster
Max Keiser and Thomas Hartman are two respected journalists mostly on alternative or progressive media. They speak of a host of issues but unfortunely one of them is playing the race card and being racial anti-police demagogues out there. They do nothing but to try to rile of Black nationalists and others who are likely not even a part of their listenership. both have repeated several times that the police have a license to kill black people and the dweeb Max Keiser went on to compare these police killings and Charleston massacre as kristallnacht in Nazi Germany in 1938. This inflammation of these two voices needs to be countered and exposed for the hate and race baiting that it is and this is why the Right Bull exposes these two right now.
Thomas Hartman will easily excuse a black criminal murder and a victim of the poverty and liberals like him say out of millions of people a few murderers can be expected. They will use this theme over and over again and have over the years but somehow the millions of police are not given the same light. Unlike the average black criminal that fill jails and prison system putting this country on edge of bankruptcy, police have a moral and civic responsibility of their job to have encounters that may lead to death for them or a resister to law and order. Max Keiser and Hartman want to see the overthrow of the establish system and will exploit anything they see that can tarnish police and cause more encounters and confrontations between police and people in lower-income communities.
Thomas Hartmann goes onto say how the police look nothing like the police of his day repeating a stupid Jesse Ventura line. Perhaps it was mass shootings of police men like Mark Essex and other black panther racists that caused police to militarize more over the years as the spread of guns has practically put our modern day police in a war zone by a resistance being funded by foreign powers (Russia). There is no doubt that the rise in crime and anti-police hate was somehow correlated to mafia money and funneling from Russia to destabilize the United States during the Cold War. Covert wars have been going on for a long time between powers and when you hear the likes of Thomas Hartmann and Max Keiser bash the police there is more to it than their concern with how black people are treated on the street by police.
Bobby Jindhal runs for president
Bobby Jindhal has announced that he is running for president. Jindhal has inflicted serious damage to his state of Louisiana and now he expects to be considered a serious candidate actually he is hoping more of a vice-president appointment from the eventual winner and no better way than keeping his brand and fuck face out in the political arena. Bobby Jindhal also may just be running for more campaign money that he can use in future races keeping the governorship and further sinking the abmysal state of Louisiana. In a perfect world a Bobby Jindhal would not even be considered a candidate given his record and basically he is serving the corporate class further increasing Southern hospitality and continued inequality. I do find it interesting that two of the governorships in the South are people of Indian subcontinent background. No other people know best of cementing a caste system to last centuries and millennium in a culture. Bibb Jindhal is a token for a party so racist they don ever want a lack face representing this state and obviously there will be talk of opening Republican diversity when in fact it is conformity of a brutal pro-business platform meant to help rich people avoid taxes and passing it to the lower classes. This is the only reason a person like Bobby Jindjal who has proven political incompetence in the state house can actually make a bid for the presidency of the United States of Lobbyists.
Stephan Kinzer's Overthrow shows international power of Americas early global elites
Ramon Ramos
Stephan Kinzer does it again with another home run published and delivered to the few remaining independent bookstores. His book called "Overthrown" looks at the century of change the American empire has committed to installing around the world and deciding which leaders they would like to see rule these distant lands. From the seizure of Hawaii and the disposing of queen Liluokalani to the brutal conquest of the Philippines a familiar pattern is set by this new empire and in it their drive for trade and profit at all costs to the natives in life and desultory undemocratic conditions. Kinzer repeats these stories of greedy audacious politicians and businessmen who conspire to see who is best fit to rule these independent countries and it is always to the benefit of American entrepreneurs and landowners instead of the more numerous citizens.
Disposing elected regimes in Central America seemed as much as a pastime as baseball in the fifties and Kinzer's work excruciating looks at all these state sponsored coups that should make any true patriot and American shameful at actions of the wealthy clan ruling America. The story of Sam Zemurray,the banana man , is told how this Jewish peasant rose out of poverty and then used his United fruit Company and profits to keep millions of Central Americans in deep poverty.
The second part of the book looks at the covert action of the Eisenhower administration where we disposed leaders of Iran and Guatemala because we could and wanted to keep the cold war frozen and keeping tensions to serve a growing military industrial complex. Kinzer goes on to mention our planning and role of murdering Salvador Allende in Chile who was a committed and elected socialist about to bring communism and equality to this South American nation and how Chile was one of Richard Nixon's biggest fear.
The amount of bloodshed and terror this country caused in the name of the cold war was horrifying and Vietnam was a major step back from a public that was getting more and more aware of these international horror that their country and government was creating to all corners of the world. This is what happens when you have an ignorant uneducated populace who worships the rich and think that it is best to let them do what they want in politics and military affairs. All these Overthrows and military action couldn't have occurred without the support f the American public whose priorities into their own personal space and bubble made it possible to ignore the atrocities and genocide being committed under their flag.
Stephan Kinzer does it again with another home run published and delivered to the few remaining independent bookstores. His book called "Overthrown" looks at the century of change the American empire has committed to installing around the world and deciding which leaders they would like to see rule these distant lands. From the seizure of Hawaii and the disposing of queen Liluokalani to the brutal conquest of the Philippines a familiar pattern is set by this new empire and in it their drive for trade and profit at all costs to the natives in life and desultory undemocratic conditions. Kinzer repeats these stories of greedy audacious politicians and businessmen who conspire to see who is best fit to rule these independent countries and it is always to the benefit of American entrepreneurs and landowners instead of the more numerous citizens.
The second part of the book looks at the covert action of the Eisenhower administration where we disposed leaders of Iran and Guatemala because we could and wanted to keep the cold war frozen and keeping tensions to serve a growing military industrial complex. Kinzer goes on to mention our planning and role of murdering Salvador Allende in Chile who was a committed and elected socialist about to bring communism and equality to this South American nation and how Chile was one of Richard Nixon's biggest fear.
Ann Coulter calls out foreigner Nikki Haley
Ed West
Nikki Haley is an immigrant from distant lands where for a millennium segregation and a caste system was taken for granted and the wealth her family accumulated over the years helped her leave the untouchables and put up roots in America getting a powerful statewide office thanks to money in politics. Nikki Haley likely got elected from a Southern electorate that had no idea of her foreign roots and the political pundit Ann Coulter brought tis up the other day.
It seems like Southern culture and identiy is under attack again because of a very rare white on black racial attack (that was primarily caused by years of black on white abuse and ignore) and now liberals are trying to outlaw the ultimate international symbol of rebellion and dissent.
The rebel flag can be seen at protests all over the planet as its powerful symbol against authority is the primary reason for its long-lasting popularity and this is irrefutable. Any talk of this flag being about defense of slavery and anti-black is nonsense. it is about anti-authority and this is the reason they seek to ban it. Slavery and repression of blacks has lasted much longer under old glory and the stars and stripes and politicians like Indian Nikki Haley. the fact that a few racists in the South also happen to be proud of the heritage and symbol of this flag is irrelevant and a flag did not cause a mass shooting at some black church. Nikki Haley will fail in her attempt to take down the confederate flag and will just cause many more South Carolinians to see this flag as more representable of where they are from than immigrant elected officials more concerned with international trade and supporting a global corporate culture.
The more liberals attack this flag the more popular it will become for Whites in South Carolina and the rest of the South and a secessionist movement is what is needed by whites in the South, Northwest, Texas, and the Great Lakes to get away from continued federal bureaucracies and their crony capitalist media outlets that continue to attack any vestiges of whiteness. Ann Coulter was right to bring up how outside forces are using this massacre to go after Southern pride and culture identity as the elites see the power of regionalism and other secessionist movements gain steam around the globe that threatens their open border agenda. A Nikki Haley being elected governor and hijacking a key spot on the Republican ticket is testimony of this success and at all lengths this anti0Confederate and Nikki haley need to be defeated next election cycle in South Carolina.
Nikki Haley is an immigrant from distant lands where for a millennium segregation and a caste system was taken for granted and the wealth her family accumulated over the years helped her leave the untouchables and put up roots in America getting a powerful statewide office thanks to money in politics. Nikki Haley likely got elected from a Southern electorate that had no idea of her foreign roots and the political pundit Ann Coulter brought tis up the other day.
Hot Mexican matador nearly killed by Right Bull Pork Chop
Andy Cruz
In this Dec. 28, 2014 photo, Karla de los Angeles, one of Mexico's few female bullfighters, is gored by a bull during a bullfight in Mexico City. The 26-year-old bullfighter who suffered a pair of gashes to the thigh and buttock when she was gored twice by the bull says she is determined to return to the ring by mid-January, two days after she and several others were gored by what she described as a "very smart" bull. (AP Photo/Gabino Acevedo, MEXICO OUT - NO PUBLICAR EN MEXICO - MANDATORY CREDIT - CREDITO OBLIGATORIO (The Associated Press)
Karla Sanchez San Martin, one of Mexico's few female bullfighters, poses for a portrait in her hospital bed in Mexico City, Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014. Sanchez, who goes by the name Karla de los Angeles as a bullfighter, suffered a pair of gashes to the thigh and buttock when she was gored twice by a bull on Sunday but says she's determined to return to the ring by mid-January, two days after she and several others were gored by what she described as a "very smart" bull. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) (The Associated Press)
The 26-year-old bullfighter suffered a pair of gashes to the thigh and big ass buttock when she was gored twice by the 495-kilogram (1,090-pound) bull Gamusino, who also goes by the name of Pork Chop and is known on the internetas a animal rights and conservative blogger known as the Right Bull.
"From almost the beginning, he was hunting me," De los Angeles said from the hospital room where she was recovering from a 9 ½ inch (24-cm) gash to the thigh and 6-inch (15-cm) slash to the buttock.I never seen such a misogynist and sexiest bull and he clearly had issues of me being a woman" Karla said through a German interpreter. "It didn't help that I was menstruating".
De los Angeles was going in for the kill when the bull lifted his head, caught her with a horn and tossed her tight little ass into the air. Bandaged up, De los Angeles re-entered the ring to finish off the bull.
"But the bull had already learned," she said, noting he held his head high, making it hard for her to drive the sword in.
He caught her a second time with a lifted horn and tossed her to the dirt, goring her again.
He chased and gored one of the assistants carrying De los Angeles, and broke the ribs of another."This is for all the bulls slayn through the chavistic and twisted sport culture from Hispanic culture through the years" the Bull likely was thinking as he rushed these small primates that mock the species and call Pork Chop a beast behind his massive bull back.
Another bull in Sunday's fight leapt over the ring wall, crushing a spectator's face. Another man, identified as a bull breeder, also suffered injuries to his hand.
None of the injuries were considered life-threatening.
"It was one of those afternoons where the accidents happened one after the other, that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of those in the ring and the stands," the Plaza Mexico bull ring wrote in an article on its web site.
De los Angeles said of the wounds, "the truth is, right now it hurts a little bit" but "this is not going to discourage me."
She said she has a fight on Jan. 18, "and I'm going to be there."
Sam Sedar mocks Donald Trump and the Republicans
Gino Frobel
On two of his media outlets Sam Sedar has been mirthful about the entrance of Donald trump into the Republican race for president. Sedar says Trump is the ultimate card into this political party of showmen and joksters and surely to expose the Republicans for the big money jokes and hacks they have always been for decades.
Sedar like many liberals looks forward seeing this circus proceed and to see Donald Trump the other candidates during the speeches by pointing out their hypocrisy on the main stage. With the Confederate wanabee Bobby Jindhal now announcing his candidacy this stage is getting more and more crowded and the Republicans likely can profit well through these televised debates by limiting to eight the number of candidates that should appear and letting money be the ultimate determiner who gets let into them. Sam had been predicting for a while that this would be the year that Donald Trump finally backs up his threats over the years and finally puts his money where his mouth is and decides to do something with the problems he sees through the freshly waxed skyscraper windows on the island of Manhattan. Sedar says the Donald is getting older and seeing his star fade and not seeing himself as mentioned often in print and internet media so the billionaire of liquid assets and trumped up value of urban real estate decided to bring his unique anti-Mexican and Chinese politics to the forefront. Trump is right about one thing is that his fellow liquid elites from these two countries are making a joke of our business corrupt system that needs to be over thrown and a socialist system replaced so these wealthy foreigners can quit taking advantage of this. If American business elites have little regurd for the people in this country why would foreigners in control and they would turn North America into a toxic sewage dump like China if they had their way destroying regulation.
On two of his media outlets Sam Sedar has been mirthful about the entrance of Donald trump into the Republican race for president. Sedar says Trump is the ultimate card into this political party of showmen and joksters and surely to expose the Republicans for the big money jokes and hacks they have always been for decades.
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