Rush Limbaugh and Michael savage went on tirades on the media's acceptance and promotion of Bruce Jenner becoming a woman. Vanity Fair's cover showing Bruce as Caitlyn was disturbing to these conservatives as they see the next cultural war and acceptance for transgendered individuals shows the gay marriage debate is over. men like Rush Limbaugh are horrified on tis new front on their cultural normal and when conservatives see acceptance and celebration of a Bruce Jenner into a Caitlyn it is quit literally horrifying.
s nutty Rush Limbaugh points out this is much more than about Bruce Jenner becoming haopy and becoming a woman. This is about politics and the more transgendered individuals are accepted the more they lose out on their bigoted voice. Another factor that really irritates conservatives is that Bruce Jenner was a hero and athlete and the fact that a macho athlete of his stature would turn woman on the old boys club has old men like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin scratching their bald heads. Who could be next they must sit alone and worry as they try to sleep. I hope Tom Brady gets a sex change and starts throwing footballs through his vagina just to bug these idiots who glamorize sportsmen and then hate them as they change to become new coverwomen. Perhaps these religious guys should concentrate on transforming their religion into one of love instead of hate so they can get the fellowship of the cross to be more culturally mainstream and not seen so much out of the norm.
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