Graeme Maxton points out the delusions of modern economies

Tony Miselli
  In the "The End Of Progress" Graeme Maxton asks about massive rugged individualism leading to aneconomythatisfaiing one every front. The weakening of democratic principles is the result of continued consumerism and wealth created by a globalized monopolistic order.
 The overused the worlds resources is resulting in shortages and rise often sins between nations in a battle for greed and power. Graeme points out the rising failures of the financial system that rewards abuses and fraud and encourages the capitalist shareholder system that cares little about the social implications of their actions. E lust and demand to continuing to grow a consumption based lifestyle and need to spend more is basically destroying the planet by people with little care about the consequences for future generations.  Is is a great book by an author that sheds lights of our major mistakes and how we will have to learn to deal with an alternative path and reality in a few years as the system and world as we knows it comes crashing. Human development to handle these problems is questionable and the author is optimistic that we will over come these hardships and learn to live in a world less bountiful. I doubt it and the result of any Lessening of lifestyle irrevocably leads to major wars and a changing of the order.
 As Maxeton points out China is not about to end their growing consumptionism and is doing their best to do a one nation replication of the scramble for Africa and colonizing the continent to keep up with growing Chinese demand and expectations. China and India are most likely to radicalized as demands of materialism are well not materialized by their increasing neo-liberalistic and corrupt governments creating tensions and terror along the Indian oceans and the South China seas. Maxton says it is impossible for the world and these nations to meet the demands and talk of a global middle class reaching some four billion by 2050 is delusional and premature by the capitalist grandeurs bourgeoisies of the planet. We are more likely to start colonizing Venus and Saturn before this development will reach and there will soon be a economic reset that will see this resource extraction mandate by the energy conglomerates fail in a large fecal filled waste of debt and human misery.

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