Luis Guiterrez worried about future of santuary cities and criminals like Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez

 Cecil Brewster
 Congress finally debated and decided not to fund cities that give sanctuary to illegal immigrants who come heart break laws and help to lower the wages of the native born working class. This debate was in response to news in San Francisco to some illegal setback who killed a woman. This greaseball had been deported five times but he was living in San Francisco to avoid another deportation and the city of San Francisco refused to extradite him to ICE federal officials when he got arrested earlier in the year. These sanctuary cities are indications that these places are not whiten the jurisdiction of the United States of America and these cities need to immediately be re-occupied by the armed forces of America and a sweep needs to be conducted rounding up these elements and the politicians and governmental workers that allowed this disgrace. I had wondered for years how the federal government could of allowed these cities to prevent the handling of criminals who should to of been in this country and whose tax dollars they are using to store and feed and now protect them. Chicago's congressmen Luis Gutierrez is one politician that needs to be swept up and deported South of the border as it is politicians such as himself who pushed for these draconian laws and show of disrespect or the procedures of law enforcement concerning the entry of people into this country. Luis Gutierrez often talks about how the Republicans need to fear the growing Latino population much of who mostly of which came here illegally and his threats of their political voice likely was used as extortion to put these same sanctuary cities to expand in the first place and more. basically these politicians in America have allowed half of the Mexican population to come here without the consent of the public. More people are wakening up to the fact that these sanctuary cities are controlled by foreigners whose ultimate motivation is economic and to leech off the government and use this country as a tax haven and security for their corrupt global enterprises and they use these savings to buy politicians into making these places sanctuaries for those who break the law and cut in line in for legal immigration processes. The best thing to do is arrest these traitorous turncoat politicians who serve international interests and hold them accountable for the crimes of illegal immigrants that they have allowed to come into the country and pillage the citizens in their invasion and hope to transform this country into another corrupt their-world Spanish speaking shithole.

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