Glen Beck happened to tape a program the other day saying that people for religious liberty to discriminate and trample on rights of others who are not die hard Christians will soon be taken off the air. This man would know after all because he is a man of faith and God talks to him all of the time about everything about the taste of Salsa on pizza to the scores of the latest game. Glen warns that people with religious views such as his do not have much time and their views will be shut off by the liberal PC elite who have overturned many discriminatory laws that guys like this jerk preached and supported.
Glen beck also said that up to ten thousand activist preachers of his "black robed regiment " would be willing to die resisting the end of their persecution of others. It would be ironic if any of these nerds did kill themselves and expose what a cult Christianity always has been and its further demise and irrelevancy can only improve progress for the world. This is a world that thrived on the subjugation of women and poverty of the masses through the generations and without this twin evil the religion of Christianity is one cult that would never have been so entrenched and established being used as a vehicle of hate and put the brake of progress.
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